Welcome to a different side of the story

6/98 The story so far... Dayton has been the home to many illustrious Kindred, such as the Ventrue Charles Kettering and the Toreador Paul Laurence Dunbar, both ex-Princes of the city. Somehow, and by means unknown, Dayton was involved in an "Experiment". In this experiment, known, surprisingly enough, as "The Dayton Experiment", several people were embraced into different clans without the graces of Accounting, or actually genetically altered to make Lupines. The city quickly fell apart. Mr. Kettering did what he could to prevent the damage, but the city rapidly fell into chaos, and he was killed on New Years Day, 1997. Mr. Dunbar stepped in to fill the aching void left by Kettering's death, but proved highly inneffectual in this capacity. Shortly thereafter, all the Kindred of Dayton disappeared except for the members of the Experiment. These handful of Kindred tried to take control for their own right, but were not prepared for the horrid reality of this world of darkness in which we live. Several Sabbat elements, with the help of some of these Experimentees, took over the city and, presumedly, wiped out all remains of the Experiment as a whole. In April of 1998, loyal members of the Camarilla went into Dayton to liberate it from the Sabbat presence and succeeded. Out of the carnage rose the new Prince, Isaak Zelinsky. May his reign be long and prosperous. As for rumors of someone or something helping drive the Sabbat out, noone knows... And, what happened to all the original Kindred and Experimentees of Dayton? I assume, only time will tell.

1/9 Well, times have proven harsh in our brave city. Isaak was proven innefectual and was replaced by his sire, Margaret. She was slaughtered in a Lupine assault which seemed to target her specifically. It's rumored that a Cainite, possibly a Malkavian, hired these dispicable Lupines to do this, but things are still being looked into. The Ventrue Elder, Stefan, has stepped forward to claim Princeship. Now, whether he will have other contentions for the position remains to be seen, but, one thing is for certain... He shall prove a far more formidable opponent than any of the previous holders of this title except for, perhaps, Mr. Kettering himself. May Allah's mercy shine upon us all.

2/99 Nefarious things are afoot. Kindred of Greenwood and Indianapolis have decided that they may enter our Domain, attack an Elder, and then escape with no consequences upon them to the cities in which they reside. What has happened to the Camarilla while I slept? Are all things like this? Perhaps I should reenter my slumber in hopes that things will be better when I again awaken. These are dire times, indeed. I ask that future visitors to this Domain restrict their wantings of violence in favor of acting as civilized Kindred. If not, then you're not any better than the infernalist Sabbat, and should be destroyed. I would have it known that further transgressions will NOT be tolerated. Know this, follow the Traditions, and all will be well.

2/00 Much has happened in this fair city. There's far too much in occurence for it's own good, I fear. Most of the older Kindred have left the city or gone missing, and the newer, younger influx has set things in a spin. I hope Oleg can restabilize everything and bring about the prosperity and balance he has promised. Perhaps I should speak with him.
As always, in Faith, Claudius Minerve


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