Star Control Distant Empires


Main Page


May 26:

I have just added a very simple version of my melee converted to an applet to this page. While it is not complete, wont take long. (I will probably not get 3D at all). Can somebody leave me a message if it works on Message Board? (Troubles) Look at Online Melee Page.

April 31:

This Page has just been started, and is not compleated yet. I am also having troubles updating this due to the fact that my internet connection does not want to work lately (Hopefully fixed soon). Tell me what you think of the new page...

I am also created a 3D program (unfortunately it is only on my calculator) that can rotate a wireframe version of a Ur-Quan. I am planning on converting this to a Java Applet to add to my webpage. (Will not take long, as it is just converting the program).

Distant Empires and Melee Online are not going to get any work on them till I get some more time to work on them. The 3D Program will not take long, but until I get my internet back, their is little chance of me updating my webpage.