I loaded up few songs, bit-a each catagory...some of it is pretty old, but ITS STILL GOOD!! Juz click on the play button and thas it..plz wait, it may take time 2 load!
Andy Hui (Now Playin)
Coco Lee - All Tied Up In You
Sisqo Ft Make It Hot - Got To Get It
Jamaster A Ft. Dj Tiffany - Are You Alright? (Azn Rave Sheit)
NAME: Ask Me AGE: 16 SEX: (yes) Guy NATIONALITY: 100% Chyneze LOCATION: 604 Vancity SKOOL: Hamber GRAD: 2002 E-MAIL: AznBoi_7@hotmail.com FAV FOOD: Chyneze en Jap MUZIC: Chyneze, bit a jap, RB, Rap, Pop, Tech SPORTZ: Hockey, Soccer, V & B-ball CARZ: RX-7…Lancer, Most…Jap cars & Turbo 911 Don’t know wut else 2 write, if u need wanna know more, icq me
Please wait for page 2 load, lotsa pics and muzic!...
Wassup Yo?, This be My Hp, Hope ya like it. If the page didn`t load very well or theres no pics, plz hit ur F5 (refresh button) button. 2 get the best outta my page, U must have westminster font and u should have Cable+ connection, IE5+ and if ya want, hit F11 key. Neways, I just updated my page in Nov and gave it a new look, hope ya like it. You can save me as a friend if u want, and plz tag my G-BOOK b4 u leave, i`ll return both the favors. Oh, and please don`t right click.
14580163 Tell me that u from aa @ rqst!
Shouts and more Pics coming soon
Well, this be near the end of my page, hope u enjoyed it `n all. If ya gonna bite my stuff, ask, cause i created half of tha pics on mah page. Ya thas right, i`m one of the few ppl that got a real right 2 say "dont bite me" cause all designs on the page were original. Especially the right click thing, you`ll see when you do it and the music list! Neways...gonna finish it off wif few thoughts...take carez, Lts...
Why do people always try to be like someone or something else? If people don`t like who you are, why they like who you are not? And why would you wanna be a follower? I`d say, do sh*t your own way and let others follow you. Respect comes from what people see in you, If your not yourself and just a whatever wannabe, what`s there 2 respect? Isn`t embarrassing when you act and say your all that, but you have nothing to back up your actions? Well, all these lil qoute thought thingys were made by me, if you wanna take em, sure, i dont care bout these. But I dont think you really need to. All you hafta do is go to the streets or the halls at school, just look around and think for a moment and i`m pretty sure you can think of something like this and maybe even better. But if you are one of these people that I "qouted" you probably wouldn`t know i`m talking about you till you take that brief moment to think. Then you`d realize that your a loser and that you shouldn`t put these qoutes on your page cause you are in no position to. And instead of trying to be like what you were trying to be like for all this time, you`ll follow my qoutes and until you succeed, you can then "qoute" others. After reading all this, you might be thinking "Who is he talking about? Is it me?" Well, if you wanna know, all you need to do is think who is like what I "qouted" The only correct answeres are the ones concluded by you, as these answeres are to be judged only by the individual. But will people agree or even care what you think? Well, thats another story...