Because Of You, I Can't Have Sex With My Wife!!!

May 7, 2004 12:11 PM


Hee hee hee, gotta love the WWF... I mean... WWE. I swear, some of the funniest lines come from their shows... for example, the title of this update. Long story short, this guy Kurt Angle gets thrown off a ledge and becomes severely injured. He comes back two weeks later in a wheelchair, his leg in a full cast, and all pissed off. He calls a woman to the ring, and blames her, saying: "Because of you, I can't have sex with my wife!" At that point, I just couldn't stop laughing.

Don't get me wrong, not being able to sex up your wife... well, that's hell. It's just that the comment came out of nowhere, totally catching me off my guard. That, and he'll heal eventually. If afterwards he claims that he still can't have sex, then I'd figure they're doing something real freaky in the Angle household.

Good thing pro wrestling is scripted, eh?


Had one hell of a dream last night. It was a rainy day, and I was walking past a few houses like the ones in Perez Acres. I passed Chris and Jeff West's house, and went next door to their neighbor Jessica's house (fact: Both are old friends of mine, and don't really live next to each other, but rather across the street). I knock on the door, and her mom answers. I ask for her, but she's not in. When she closes the door, I turn around, and there were Jessica's sisters (fact: She doesn't have sisters. Who says dreams have to be realistic?). I smile at them, and walk off into the rain. It started raining harder, so I went to find shelter in a nearby abandoned house. As I was about to sit down, I hear a voice behind me, and it's the older sister. She had long, straight, blonde hair, and a perfect body... with a rack to make any man cry. She wore this green mini dress, and it was just clinging to her because of the rain. Coming up to me, she took me by the hand, and we walked to the side of the house. She pulled away a piece of plyboard, revealing a hole in the wall. We walk into the dark for a bit, and come upon a small, lit platform in the middle of the room. She went and just laid there, her hands sliding all over her body. She eventually took off her dress, and started... well... playing with herself. All the while, I was just frozen, watching on as she writhed on the platform. She curled her finger, calling me to her. I went there, and held myself over her. I moved down slowly to kiss her...


I wake up, and find that the stupid fucking alarm went off! Son of a bitch! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!! Why the hell don't I get these dreams on the days I can sleep in?! I swear to God, if that bitch-ass alarm clock from hell interrupts one of these dreams again, I will take a bat, and fucking swat it to shards.

So close... I was sooooo fucking close...


Speaking of close... around lunchtime at UOG, my friend Tyron brings his laptop, and starts up Street Fighter 2 Turbo every time. I used to start games in the lab, but since it was being used all the time this semester, we all ended up just laying around the lounge, doing nothing. Tyron became so addicted to the lab games, that he asked me to help him find stuff for his laptop. I pointed him to my rom sites, and helped him with the different programs. The guy recently caught on to emulation because of this, and now has got himself quite a collection. The bastard also picked up two USB gamepads. And I thought I was hardcore... damn.

Anyways, once the game starts, people flock to it. There are roughly 6 big gamers there each session... myself, Tim, Tyron, Rod, Allen, and James. On occasion, Jashon will show up to play as well. Tim and Tyron are strong ones, and Rod is catching up to those guys. Allen and James are okay, but they need to play a bit more. J is good, and I'd say is up there with Rod.

I, on the other hand, am on a completely different level from those guys.

Tim will give me a challenge once in a while, but that's on my bad days. On my good days, I am nearly invincible. It's on those days when I go through 5 rotations that I just put down the controller, and give someone else a try. I slam with Blanka, crush with Bison, and massacre with Guile... but it's with Ryu that I really shine... it's with Ryu that I can really talk trash... and when I talk trash, I am a total asshole. Hahahahahaha! But really, I talk to motivate them to try new tricks against me. It hadn't worked for a while, so it was just yesterday that I was giving them my techniques. Now they play much better than before, and put up a decent challenge for me.

But I'm still the master.


Being into emulation, I figured I should share some of the kinds of games I'm playing now. Here's a few screenshots:

Parodius Opening Sequence

Parodius End Boss

Mystery Game screen 1

Mystery Game screen 2

Mystery Game screen 3

Mystery Game screen 4

As you can probably see... I definitely need to get out more...


That's it for today, see you all in two weeks when finals are over...




It's Just One of Those Days...

April 25, 2004 1:56 AM


Okay, everything has been worked out from the update yesterday. Still a bit uncomfortable with the multi-marriage thing, but it's just RP, so whatever. Hmmm... maybe I should start up another character, and get him married off. Or fuck it, I should just build up my own personal harem. It would be everything any man could ever dream of! One woman for each day of the year.... holy, I'm drooling at the very thought of it.

Jeez... maybe I should become Mormon... hehehehe.


I took Kev's advice (a rare occurance) and tried out FarCry. It required 3 gigs of hard drive space, but I had only that much free. So what I did was uninstall Max Payne 2 and Prince of Persia... I have both setup discs, and I've already beaten PoP anyways, so they were expendable. I installed FarCry, which took a good 15 minutes to do. Once done, I run it, and it launches a program configure. I let it detect the best settings, and it sets everything to low.... not a good sign. The game starts up, and it displays this damn sexy island fly-by. I got damn excited about it all, so I start up my first game.

I don't know, but shit always seems to go downhill when I assume good things are about to happen.

So the game starts.... and even with low settings, it looked and played real sweet. Got to the mercenary camp on the training level, and it suddenly freezes for about 10 seconds. I figure it's just a glitch, and just proceed to play with no other problems.... until I got into the merc vehicle, and drove to the other side of the beach. Froze again, even worse than before.

I assume I need to defrag, so I close it all up, and start up the disk defragmenter. The defrag required to have more disk space to run efficiently, so I ended up deleting more programs I wasn't using. Finally defragged, I install FarCry again, and play a bit. Same problem occuring at the same places. I look around for a patch to the game, and I finally find it and download.... 25 fucking megs over 56k.... yes, narrowband sucks.

I applied the patch, and tried again. Same problem. I tap out, and uninstall FarCry from my system.

Now my system is showing its age. It never was top of the line in the first place, but as a budget gaming rig, it was pretty badass. It was just last night that I started doing some computer window shopping at Alienware and Dell. I built some damn sweet machines from both sites, but since the fuckers at Dell ship to anywhere but Guam, I decided to show you my Alienware setup.

As you can see, it has the latest and greatest shit. I'm not too fond of NVidia, but the card looks very promising. AMD is just fucking running away with their 64-bit processors, so the FX-53 is a no-brainer. 2 gig Corsair RAM is enough to make any gamer cry tears of happiness. Dual 22 inch displays... I hope my table can hold all that weight. 2 120gig hard drives... one for system and applications, the other strictly for porn..... hehehehe, just kidding (not). It has sound to make anyone cream their pants, and a power supply that won't flinch with even a hundred system fans... okay, so I exaggerated a bit. To top it all off, I got a spindle of 50 cdrs, and a 56k modem.... you know, since I'm still working with a crappy connection.

Now, would anyone mind lending me their credit card? I'll pay 5 dollars a month, for the rest of my life. That, and I'll give you a big, big kiss... and lots of sexing. Hehehehe...

Oh, as for what I did after the whole FarCry debacle......

I installed Quake 2.


The following is an IM conversation with a friend at 1am this morning:

besaiku says: mn this sucks
おにかげ なかざと says: what does?
besaiku says: hehehe
besaiku says: everything
おにかげ なかざと says: okay, everything is a lot... wanna start with the thing that sucks the most?
besaiku says: being alone
おにかげ なかざと says: yeah, i know it does
おにかげ なかざと says: but really, you're not that alone...
besaiku says: i've just been so bored lately
besaiku says: wanna know secret
おにかげ なかざと says: sure
besaiku says: i met someone
besaiku says: and it was totally by suprise
おにかげ なかざと says: wow, that's awesome
besaiku says: yeah
besaiku says: problem is
besaiku says: when we met he kept showing me that he wasn't interested
besaiku says: but then at the end of the night i guess he got comfortable and started showing interest
besaiku says: he's cute and i was like hell yeh
besaiku says: i figured i'll hve my way with him nd thtas that
besaiku says: and i did
besaiku says: and we talked
besaiku says: i told him that friendship was all i could give
besaiku says: he ws all like.. guy would have to sweep you off your feet huh
besaiku says: i was like..yeh
besaiku says: and we were at a traffic light and he leans over and kisses me
besaiku says: i was like wow
besaiku says: so we go i have my way with him and he doesn't wnt me to leavr
besaiku says: leave
besaiku says: he wanted to cuttle
besaiku says: i was so freaked out by it and i was feeling uncomfortable
besaiku says: finally he tells me that he's not redy to let me go
besaiku says: so he hs his way with me
besaiku says: then i actually fall asleep
besaiku says: he drops me home the next morning and gets my number
besaiku says: he's a friend of my cousin so i asked him not to tell him
besaiku says: he sid ok..i'll call you tonight
besaiku says: but then he hasn't called since
besaiku says: i guess what i'm sying is that i decided to just sit tight and have fun
besaiku says: but this guy totally opened me up to the potential relationship
besaiku says: and now that i think i'm redy it seems that i was just a one night stand
besaiku says: this sucks
besaiku says: this is why i don't do it
besaiku says: ahhhhhh
besaiku says: ahhhh
besaiku says: ahhhhhh
besaiku says: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
besaiku says: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]
besaiku says: hehehe
besaiku says: whta do you think
besaiku says: anywy i gottaa go
besaiku says: let me know okay
besaiku says: 'bye
おにかげ なかざと says: bye

End IM Session


As much as I appreciate the confidence placed in me for this kinda thing, I do not (and I place heavy emphasis on the NOT part) want to be the guy all women approach to tell their deep, dark secrets to. It tells me one of two things:

A) They assume I'm gay.


B) If not gay, then I'm only good as a friend-type to them, and don't have any potential for a relationship.

Besaiku (not real name, duh) was a high school friend at Sanchez... kinda pretty, a bit short, but awesome chest.... like... damn. I really liked her, but she got herself a boyfriend in the middle of the year, so I just backed off. I graduate from school, and attend university shortly after. It was around this time where I checked the new highschool yearbook, and found out that she had a baby. I thought she was smarter than that to have a kid at such a young age, but hey, not my place to judge. Anyways, it was some time later that I found out that the guy left her, and she was raising her baby by herself. So much for love, eh?

Anyways, she finds me on MSN, and we chat occasionally, just trying to catch up on what has happened since high school. Nowadays, she's IMming me, saying how she's depressed and lonely, and how much it sucks. You don't have to tell ME that, I fucking know how depressing it is to be alone. She thinks she has it bad... HAHAHAHAHAHA! She couldn't even come anywhere close to loneliness on my level. Even though, I try to reassure her that she will find someone, and it's all just a matter of time. For a while, it seemed like she was cheering up and feeling better.

And now this happens...

I thought she had learned to restrain herself, after the hard lesson with her first boyfriend. Fuck it all, let her make the same mistake again, it's her life. She just better not expect me to be around to try and cheer her up. I'm weary from my own fucking troubles, so I cannot bear to shoulder anyone else's burden for them.

I swear, I don't get paid enough to deal with this kinda shit...


That's all for this update. Two in the span of a week... you lucky bastards. See you next month!




RPs Are Stupid...

April 24, 2004 3:01 AM


It's not a proper "update", just something that needs to get off my chest.

As some of you already know, I RP (role play) married a woman I knew on the Dragon Court clan forums. We talked quite a lot, and had a lot of fun together. I would say we had a lot in common, that's why we hit it off so well in the first place. A month after we had met, I finally asked if she would marry me, and she accepted. October came around, and we wed.

Things kinda went downhill from there...

A little after we first chatted, she told me that she played other chars. It seemed pretty cool, until she said that one of her other chars was getting married as well, with another guy. Didn't seem entirely horrible, but I wondered how she would manage time to RP. Few days or weeks later, and I find out another of her chars is attached to another guy. I don't know, but that seemed like a bit too much.

She hadn't told me, but I found out myself that yet another was engaged, or something. If I'm not mistaken, that just made 4 chars. That was about two or three months ago.

And now today, I found out just now that she was getting married again.

I know the guy, and he's pretty cool. But how the fuck are you supposed to feel when something like this happens? Is it that the other 4 guys in her RP life aren't showering her with enough affection, so that she finds another? Don't get me wrong, I'm not as attached as I was those months back.... but this is enough to make me feel sick to the stomach. I somehow knew something was going on these past few days, I just didn't know what it was. Today, it's all too clear.

So you're getting married? Congratulations...... I hope you find the happiness you're looking for.


Just talked to her, and all this stuff pretty much came out. I misunderstood what she wrote, and now she's really upset.

I feel like a jerk...



Bun of a Sitch!!!

April 4, 2004 1:27 PM


Spring break is finally upon us (Well, on Guam, at least...)! You know what that means? Yeah! Lots of catching up with assignments and projects! Fuck yeah, it's great to be a college student. WOO!

In case you didn't notice... that was sarcasm... a whole shitload of it.

Database projects, my scanner and parser for my compiler class, physics lab notebook, and studies for Guam history and Calc. I have a full week to get this shit done, so I really won't have much time to enjoy the break. It all my fault. Got too lazy, and ended up playing games when I should have been working. From now on, you'll see no more procrastination from me!

Yeah right...


Got my 5.1 surround speakers recently. Logitech Z-640s. Cost me only fifty bucks, but holy crap, I don't know how I ever lived without them. I'm playing Need for Speed Underground... the sound and music are just incredible. Call for Duty... fuck, that's an experience. You're ducked out somewhere, and all you hear are bullets flying by you, and explosions in the background. My mp3s sound ten times better now. Setup was a bitch with all the wires. I used to have a clean computer area, but now I have wires all around me. Not that I mind too much, these are well-worth the mess.

That, and the subwoofer packs so much bass, it makes my naughty spot tingle... hee hee hee hee.


Well, looks like I squashed Kev's blog. Hehe, I was just fuckin around, but I guess it made him see something. These blogs are meant to get some stress out, not cause it. Writing is supposed to be fun, and not a chore. I don't know how he managed daily updates all this time, but he did a damn good job at it. Anyways, as long as it's a small break, it'll be cool. If he abandons his blog, I'm going to fuckin harass him till he starts up again. Oh yeah, and about Diablo 2, Kev... it's called retro, fucker. :P


Been watching tv again. MCV still sucks, but at least there's some half-decent stuff on nowadays. Watched a bit of Spongebob, and it still makes me laugh... one of the best cartoons out there. Smackdown is cool, but I wish we could get Raw around here. Also caught Foul Play with Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn. I don't know about you guys, but I think Goldie is one sexy bitch. Hell, even her daughter, Kate Hudson is fucking hot.

Did some channel surfing during commercials, or when I had nothing to watch. On the Chinese channel, they had some news report on a bra fashion show. In it, they had these hot models wearing nothing but their underwear... and they were playing hopscotch. Yeah, you know... the one with the squares on the ground, and the jumping, and the jiggling... and more jumping.... and more jiggling... and jumping... and jiggling... and jumping... and jiggling......

Did I mention the jiggling? God, I love Asian TV... I just wish they would bring back that late-night NHK show with the topless women...


On a more serious note, I read and heard about the shit happening in Iraq. About the corpse dragging and the Falluja is the graveyard of Americans. The people there were cheering for that?! Fuckers. If I were president, I would pull out all troops and any freedom-loving person, and airlift them home. Then, I'd launch every available nuke at Iraq. Kill them all, and let God sort 'em out. Fuck what the French say... they're a bunch of pussies anyways.


That's it for me. Tomorrow begins my training. Watched some UFC last night, and was disappointed. Someone has to teach these punks how to fight, and who better than someone that was raised on pro wrestling, and has played just about every fighting game ever? Look out, cause I'm comin' for ya!




"Okay, next is really anticipated 'Love Machine', the bed."

March 24, 2004 10:20 PM


"'Love Machine'?"

"'Love Machine' is for man and woman who just completed 'marriage interview' to know each other better."






Been a while since I last updated, but I'm hella busy, so back off, beeyatch!!!

Fuecken Diablo, man... damn. I'm hooked. Been playing nothing but Diablo LOD. Now that I've been playing, it seems like J will be getting into it too. Heh, if we can get the rest of the guys on it, then we can do a 8-man team going on, probably me, J, Jeff, Kev, Chuck, Jon, Nut... shit, that's only 7. Whatever, I'll be playing the sorc here... the best damn class ever (Fuck you, J... amazons suck, sorcs rule!). Anybody that reads this (yes, both of you!), buy the Diablo Battle Chest now! Go on, and meet me in Starting Strategies... we'll tear Diablo and Baal a new poop hole.


Read Jasmin's journal... made me depressed. Read Chuck's journal... he and Jen are pretty close, that's too fueckin cool. Didn't need to read Kev's... half of it is bitching and moaning about class and work... the other half are drunk posts. HAHAHAHA! Jeff's... well, I forgot the URL to his site, and I didn't save it anywhere... dammit. Jon... well... he hadn't updated the last time I was there, so I'll just assume that he hasn't updated. J is worse than Jon, and Nut updates, but it's like 3 or 4 sentences.


Okay, can't stay on too long. It's late, and I need to get prepped for an early physics lab tomorrow, and a calc exam... and I need to code my scanner and parser for compiler... and I need to do my database project... and my Guam history interview..... least I'll be getting my surround sound speakers tomorrow...