Welcome the the RBCC...If you're already a regular visitor, welcome back, if you are new here, you're joined us just in time to watch us move. Geocites finally annoyed me enough that I went and found another host for my little corner of the net. You can find the new location (same old page) at crimsoncathedral.homepage.com. This site will be coming down in a couple of weeks so just go ahead and update your links now.

Palladium Fantasy-Useful information and some neat magical stuff.

-High-end weaponry, new cybernetics and some programs from the dark future of 2020.

The Red Bishop-my ego demands a vanity page.

Other Pages-not what you might think...

Life's gonna suck when you grow up when you grow up when you grow up, life's gonna suck when you grow up and then you're gonna die.