.:Agrias's Home Under the Stars V. 2.0:.

.:Agrias's Home Under the Stars V. 2.0:.

After several requests, I've taken some time to reflect
upon myself. I have come a long way in website design,
my latest project being Mutant Earth
Now I think it's time I return to my roots. After all,
Agrias's Home Under the Stars was my first real website
and I would not have been able to do what I can now.
I will keep the classic AHUtS up for nostalgia's sake
while I work on a new version. All I have to say to my
visitors is arigato! The new version will be my thanks
to you as well.

P.S. - Yes, I WILL get FFTactics stuff up this time ^_^'

[ AHUtS v.2.0 | AHUtS Classic ]

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