GameMaster 2000


Nintendo 64

Last Updated September 6th, 1999! Check updates!

Welcome back to Game Master 2000! Formally known as Game Master Cheats & Codes, this site was one of the best! We were on geocities for a long time, then we posted a money banner, then bam, one day later kicked off! But scott just kept his eye out and noticed that our domain was available again! So stick around because were not going anywhere soon! Plus link to us with the new address, now with the geocities address, just incase it does ever change. If anybody wants to help out the site with either codes, a section, a game, a review, graphics, whatever we would be glad for the help! Until then Me(Hootie) & Scott will be in charge of the site! So stop back soon for awesome updates! As soon as you click on any link you will be taken to the real address! So bookmark it for future referance!

Ok this is how it is! From now on if you come to this site link to Because that way if we change server you can still go to our page @ the same address! So add this to your bookmarks!


Sept 6th, 1999

I just got back from vacation, school and work both start soon, so I may be a little busy with that, but as soon as I can im going to get strated with the codes. Mainly N64 for now! So keep sendin your E-mails! Plus dont forget to link to and not to the geocities address! Thanks!



Copyright Game Master 2000      Josh Hudock  Web Page       Scott Hayes    Web Page