Welcome!! The pages here I have put below...the...uuuh...Sponsers...Yeah! that's what we'll call them.

Right Here.

An Interesting Wedding:

I don't know if you've ever been to your own Grandparents wedding, but it can be a little different.

Another Wedding in '98

Here's the best looking guys around.

Something New in '99

Too Cool.

Hi,I'm Rismyth.

I signed up on 09/14/98 09:08:16, I've been moving in slowly over the last few weeks, make that months now I havn't done much since Isaac was born but I'll try to keep things up to date.
9902.28 10:16am est.
Wow over ten years since I singed up and almost ten years since I updated. Though the site was erased once, I got it back up, but didn't really update anything. Well hopfully I can get an update going here...I'll have to think...
0901.13 10:16am est.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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