17 Sep 2004
  RoD Equipment
  PKill Bots
  Log to Html
  RoD Links
  Email Mirandee

    Equipment Converter

    A bug was removed with an item 'elixir of protection.' which cause the converted data to look like 'This potion. has a gold value of 32000.' and the database fail to load any equipment.
    You don't need this tool if you are using version 2.5 of the database.
    The zip contains files EqConverter.exe and Rod_old.prf (in case you did not have it before). Current program will convert any version equipment, provided there is a prf file describing the format, into the latest RoD version. To use the program :
      - unzip the files into the database 3.0 directory
      - create a directory for the old format equipment files
      - open Rod_old.prf in a text editor and update the line 'EquipmentDirectory=' to point to the above directory
      - run the 3 step program
    As a result 3 files will be created: Convert_EqDump.txt with loaded equipment in Excel table format, Convert_Errors.txt with all errors occuring during the converting, and Convert_SavedEq.txt with the new format equipment.
    Since the pre-shattering version contains less information than current some information will be missing in the destination file. For example weapon types, if not defined separately, will appear as 'unknown'.

    RoD Equipment Database version

    Online help is back with all topics finished. Same help is compiled into Windows Chm file and downloadable on the Rod Equipment Database page.
    Search for equipment/items in a database of over 2000 items (sample screenshot screen.gif 70 Kb), dress your characters offline and save them for later viewing (sample character sheet saved in html format).

    Mud Equipment Database version 3.0

    Test version of the equipment database program. Don't overwrite your old program file. You need equipment in the new RoD format for this! Waiting for comments, bug reports, ideas and looking for ppl who would collect equipment information.

    Arena PKill Bots

    Find out what these are, read some sample logs, and learn what you need to set them up for yourself here.
    Are you brave enough to challenge them?

    Log to Html

    Clean up GMud log files and save them in text or colored html format.
    Download version 1.2 - more bugs removed from prompt handling, more mud lines added (deadly pkill, etc.) to 'MudLines.txt'.

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