Zanzard Lothar Resource Webpage

Good Day. This is a webpage dedicated only to provide a few internet resources about many things, due to the simple fact that the author (one known as Zanzard Lothar) lacks the time and patience to provide other kinds of webpages to the internet. I (the author) hope to be of any help to whomever is viewing this webpage.


Even though this webpage certainly might not seem so appealing to the naked eye, it does have some content, even if very little. Please, browse a bit through what it offers. In the best stance, you might find something that might be of use. In the worst stance, you will lose very little of your time, which certainly is not the very worst of things that could happen.


Enough Banter, below lies that which matters. If you, visitor, happen to have any kind of comment to make about this page, then feel free to email me at


The last recorded update here happened in 28 of december of 2001. In that day, there was a minor change in the quotations section.


Links - To several webpages about different subjects.

Downloads - Of several software or software add-on files.

Quotations - That hopefully might be of interest and enlightening.