Freedom Knights webpage

Picture by Irish Red
This webpage is dedicated to helping incoming members to know about this group, or to help inquiring minds as to what we are about.
Our mission
Our mission as it was upon creation of the group is to protect an individuals right to like or dislike whatever they feel is right. We were made in the old nintendo BBS called the Loudhouse wich is no more, but that is our roots, we are very small now as we lost most of our members after the loss of the loudhouse. Our new objectives keep the old but also to just have fun, hang out and talk about whats going on in the world (not anything too serious just video games, anime that sort of stuff!).
Our Allies
OK because of some misconceptions and problems in the past, we don't have any so caleld "allies", friends are groups we agree with but aren't obligated to help out if we dont want to. Also I cleared a few groups that I have not herd from or no longer exhist from the list. Actually who am I kidding the main reason this is here is to just link to other groups *l*!
friend groups
RPG Alliance
NES Knights
Our websites features
Members list
Contact information--for ways to contact the Freedom Knights
Music Archives--Previously members only now open to anyone!