This site was last updated on... June/6/99
Welcome to Dustin's Guide To Pokemon!!! This page has everything you need to become a pokemon master Cheats, My Pokedex, The Map, Gym leaders, and much more.Pokemon first started out in Japen. It was a craze with clothes, supplies, cards, games, and advertising. Now, the T.V. show and the game are at U.S.!!! Now the craze is starting to get bigger here.

Pokemon the T.V. show is about three Pokemon Trainers Ash, Misty, and Brock they finally got their licences as Pokemon Trainers. Pokemon is a word short for "Pocket Monsters" Pokemon are little [ or big ] creatures that roam in the wild. There are more than 150 different Pokemon in the show. Ash's rival, Gary, gets interested in Pokemon too, so they both head for Professor Oak, who is Gary's grandfather. Professer Oak is a Pokemon scientist, studying Pokemon as much as he can. Professer Oak gives Gary and Ash each one Pokemon. Ash choose Pikachu, a electric rat that fights with lighting. Pokemon have battles to earn respect and badges. A Pokemon trainer's goal is to collect all 150 Pokemon, and become a Pokemon Master!!!

The Pokemon game is based on the T.V. show. The goal is to collect all 150 Pokemon, and get the data to complete Professer Oak's new invention, the Pokedex. Ash is in a race to find them all, and beat Gary to it. Along the way, you start out with either a Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander. I reccommend squirtle because you can rip apart Brock with water Pokemon. You weaken and capture other Pokemon to collect them for your Pokedex, to reach your goal. There is a Red version of the game, and a Blue version. Both have different kinds of Pokemon that you only can get that game [ Red or Blue ] I reccommend the Blue version, because that is the one I picked!!!

Pokemon For Gameboy
My Pokedex
Gym Leaders
Elite 4
My Map
General Pokemon Stuff
Cheats and Codes
TM's HM's
Battle Chart
Cool Links
The T.V. Show