Version 0.10 Released 5/07/98

E-mail me with comments/suggestions


Well, things have progressed fairly well in a short time, and I am now on the verge of attempting to tackle DirectPlay (TCP/IP) programming. Whether or not networking will be implemented in this game is still up in the air. One thing that is fairly certain is that it will be a while before this game is updated again. It's in a very playable state now, and is free of any seriously nagging bugs. I might make a couple of more updates for the purpose of "tweaking" the game to adjust the level of difficulty, but this is probably the last major release for a while. When/if I get DirectPlay figured out, I'll either add that to RockJock, or start on another, more sophisticated project altogether.

Be sure to read the revision history for the specifics on the new version... Enjoy ;-P



RockJock is my first attempt at programming a game using Visual C++ 4.0 and the DirectX 5.0 SDK (hey, every other name was taken, give me a break =P). It's your typical "Asteroids" type rip-off, with, of course, many enhancements, the most notable being the 16-bit, raytraced graphics. This is more or less a learning experience for me, it is still in it's early stages of development, and will probably never be totally finished, though it is playable as it is right now, and I do intend on adding many features to this game before I take what I've learned from this project and move on to something more serious.

RockJock System Requirements

Download RockJock

Until all of the lawyers of the world are rotting away in Hell where they belong, I guess I need this...

Josh Langley (that's me =P) will not be held responsible for anything that happens in regards to your very existence as a result of the use of this program. This program comes with no warranties, expressed, or implied. Use at your own risk! By downloading this program, you are agreeing to these terms.

Download RockJock 0.10 (324 KB) - ZIP file

Download RockJock update (79 KB) - This will upgrade you from versions 0.03 and later.

The arrow keys move your ship, while the CTRL key fires. ESC to quit. Spacebar to pause/unpause.

Revision History

0.10 - Additions/changes:

0.04 - Additions/changes:

Bug fixes:

0.03 - Additions:

Bug fixes:

0.02 - Added player score. Also fixed the following bugs:

0.01 - The initial release of RockJock... whoopee.

Known Bugs