Hi I'm tas_master.
I signed up on 09/19/97 07:38:55, I'm still not wearing pants;) , but I have moved in.
03/22/2004 Now I am an old man, still not wearing pants.

Here are some links to check out:

Fun Stuff

Celebrity Slugfest GONE!
Celebrity Slugfest - OJ Requires Shockwave
Slap a Spice Girl Requires Shockwave
Seduce the Intern Requires Shockwave
Boris Yeltsin Operation
The Dilbert Zone
Disgruntled Postal Worker Zone

Video Games

Unofficial Nintendo 64 Site
Happy Puppy
Mooseheads Gamers Basement
Netmech by Activision (FREE!)
You Don't Know Jack Online Obnoxious Trivia (FREE!)

Amusement Places

Magic Edge Fighter Jet Simulators
Virtual World Entertainment

Health and Fitness

ESPN SportZone Health and Fitness
ESPN Exercise and Bodybuilding
ESPN Bodyshapers, Fitness Beach, and Coed Training

Travel and Leisure

Epicurious Travel
Fodors Travel
Conde Naste Traveler
Travel and Leisure
Continental Online
Continental OnePass
Ski Central

Food and Fine Dining

My favorite restaurant, The Fish Pot, St. Martin
Gorgeous Scilly Cay, another favorite in Anguilla
Damon's Ribs
Epicurious Food
Zagat Restaurant Survey
Food and Wine magazine
Food TV
Mo Hotter, Mo Better

Television, Movies, Sci-Fi

TV Guide
South Park
Internet Movie Database
Box Office Online
Mr. Showbiz
TNT Babylon 5 Site
Babylon 5 Lurkers Guide
Official Babylon 5 Site

Some Girlfriends

Sports Illustrated Swimsuits
Swimsuit Illustrated Magazine
The Babe-test
Danni's Hard Drive
Hooters 1997 Calendar!
The Daily Bikini


Psycho Comedy Network!
Swoon Dating, Mating, Relating
The Men's Survival Guide
Top Ten Women's Rejection Lines
What Women are Really Saying
10 Things a Woman Would Never Say
Why Men Can Never Win
The Rules for Guys
"The Code"
GQ Magazine

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
The Women's Survival Guide
Pickup Lines
Pickup Line Comebacks
Top Ten Men's Rejection Lines
What Men are Really Saying
What Men Really Mean
Men Are Like...
10 Things a Man Would Never Say
"The Rules" Book
Cosmopolitan Magazine

E! Online
People Magazine

E-Mail Humor: Real Life Cyber-sex?

Rocket Science

NASA's Homepage
Hubble Space Telescope Pictures
NASA Shuttle Web
Liberty Science Museum
The Why Files

Special Thanks to Moosehead, computer dude extraordinare. Please come see his page: Moosehead Gamers Basement

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