The Mists of Ravenloft
The official site of the Mists of Ravenloft guild

"It's naked dancing time."
Designed and maintained by:
The Wind Whisperer AKA "Airboy Jack"
Officer, [MIST]

Quote of the week:
If cheating was steroids and you were in the Olympics, you'd be shot.
-Jason Kline 

Main Stuff
About [MIST]

Guild Stuff
Our Fearless Leader

Other Stuff
Joining the Guild
Boring Stuff


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News? What news?

Hey! It's the first incarnation of the [MIST] Official Web Site! Go, me!
Now that THAT'S out of the way, time to get down to business. If you want to add something to this page let me know. My email is If you don't want to email me by clicking the link (like if you use some type of web-based mail like Hotmail), just put "[MIST] Webmaster comments" in the subject or else I'll probably ignore you along with the other 500 emails I get each day.
Don't worry, there is more to come. -The Wind Whisperer

Latest of the picture gallery...

The Three Amigos
Larloch, Jack, and Scott sitting around doing nothing... which is what they're best at.

Check out this sexy beast! Airboy Jack is the first character picture on the site, mainly because he's my character and I haven't yet a chance to take any other pictures.

All content copyright © 2005 Sean Wolcott unless otherwise noted on the legal page. All screenshots and art derived thereof copyright © 2005 NCSoft, Inc.