to the world of MERP or Middle Eath Role-Playing.
This page is devouted to the world of MERP. Middle
Earth is a land of great wonder and fantasy. Created by J.R.R. Tolkein,
the world of Middle Earth became the setting for The Hobbit, and
The Lord of the Rings. The role-playing game created by Irown
Crown Enterprises allows players to create and take on the roles of
those famous characters created by Tolkein. MERP is truly one of
the most unique role-playing games because of the history and detail provided
by Tolkein and Iron Crwon regarding the land of Third Earth. During
the course of this page I will seek to explain the world of Middle Earth
and the game of MERP.
Thanks for visiting my web page. Be sure and check
back as I will be updating this page often. If you have comments
or suggestions please e-mail me at MPFrederick0@mcnet.milligan.edu.
All information contained on this page is copyrighted by Iron
Crown Enterprises. Used without their permission. Information
is intended for internet use only and may only be downloaded with the permission
of the owners. A hard copy of this information can be bought at any
local role-playing realitor. Thanks for your cooperation.