If you have anything you would like on this site please E-mail me at Lantle@aol.com. All items sent in will be used appropriatly, and would also help in the creation of this site. Looking for sites with GemStone III material that I might place in my links page as well so please send your site address to me if you have one that I could use. Thanks for your time.
A bit about me.(under
Some words on
myself in GemStone III
Some great
GemStone III sites.
Close friends of mine.
Debi's Place(My oldest
friend and mentor, she's been a great help.
Thanks hun.)
Maejiara's Hide-away.(My GS III mother's site)
Katera's Korner. (A
good friend, she let me help her out a lil on her site)
Aramathia's purple house. (Another
site I helped with.)
GemStone III is the most popular multiplayer online game ever created.
Please and feel free to
and see what other's have written.
You are the person to grace my site with your
knowledgeable self.
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