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This is the Civ 2 Empire Site. We're here to let you have a good time with your Civilization 2 game.
The Civilization 2 Empire is a very good Civ 2 site on the net for Mac and for PC. We aim to provide Mac and PC gamers with MOD's, Scenarios, Saved Games, Utilities and other stuff to make Civ 2 more fun. Unfortunately we only have a few MOD packs (due to lack of contribution.) We plan to be have all the good MODpacks on the internet. Feel free to contribute to the collection. E-Mail us your file to (files only) Make sure you compress your file into either a .zip or .sit file. Please make sure that you give a good description on your file + include whether it is for PC or Mac.
Download the Civilization 2 Demo (For Mac 68k).Click here. (For PPC)Click here. Sorry but we can't find an IBM demo yet.
If you like our MODpack please E-Mail your letters & comments to If you would like to have a cheat version of this MODpack or an IBM version please tell us. (The cheat version is a little bit easier with tweaks and it also cuts out some annoying parts till later e.g you don't have to build aqueducts until city size 20 and also, most wonders don't expire and much, much more.)
We will try to update this site whenever we can (every weekend.) Last updated on the 1/1/99.(New section added)
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