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It is also known as the land of calypso, steelpan and limbo. That is because
all of these originated from Trinidad. We are also home to the best carnival
in the world. It is also the most authentic. The name came from the latin
Carne Vale meaning "farewell to meat". This is because the festival is held on
the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the start of the 40 day period of
fasting before Easter. It is supposed to symbolize the freedom from the white
slave-masters who held masquerade balls. This is the reason for the costumes.
It is also supposed to be the last celebration before the holy time of lent.
We jump in the streets to the sounds of sweet calypso and steelpan.
Trinidad is part of a twin island state. In other words, it is made up of two
islands. Our sister island is Tobago, which is off the north-east coast of Trinidad.
Tobago has been called the famed Crusoe Island because it was believed that it
is the island that Robinson Crusoe was stranded on.
It is also the home of the famous Bucco Reef and the Nylon Pool.
The national airline of Trinidad and Tobago is BWIA West Indies, also known as BeeWee.
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