You are Inquisitor of useless information number
Here's A list of what you can find (?) on my page(s)
Nusances A bunch of useless, but slightly entertaining pages
RPG Stuff Well, It's RPG stuff.
Essays and school reports A collection of works by High school and middle school students
Useless Stuff What does it sound like??
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Things that were meant to annoy people, especially the page viewers.
Can you read this?? Proof that plain 'ole English isn't alway easy to comprehend.
Winner Week of 2/15/98!
The Three [Thousand] X Files More X's than you can throw an "O" at!
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RPG Stuff
RPG Character info pages for some of my friends characters, and my characters.
Dave Backwater
Miss Demeanor
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School Reports
Some people have worked hard on these reports, give them the credit that they're due. Don't plaigurise.
History of the Stealth (Essay)
Pancho Villa In spanish
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Useless Stuff
Have fun!
Trojan room coffee machine Updated pictures of a coffe pot.
The amazing fish cam (netscape only) updated pictures of a fishtank.
Kenny Z's list of CD's a list of CDs that this guy owns.
Inventory of jason's desk a list of everything on/in this guy's desk.
Inventory of Jen's purse a list of everything in Jen's purse.
Oeno Phile's Mood Detctor Detects your mood over the internet.