Coheed VII Campaign
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Coheed VII is a small planet lying on the Eastern fringes of the Eye of Terror.  About the size of Terra's moon, the planet was orginally charted thousands of years ago but was not listed for colonization due to its barren and inhospitable conditions.  Historic files regarding the planet described it as having an atmosphere similar to that of a nuclear fallout.  Through some higher power, it was completely ignored during Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade, and was only rediscovered by Imperial cartographers recently.

    What they found on their first surveys on the planet was an entire surface of untouched wilderness.  Further scans were to show, however, the remains of an ancient civilization buried beneath the soil.  As surface excavations began, contact was lost with the explorator fleet and forces were dispatched to investigate. 

    As more Imperial vessels dropped into planetary orbit, they picked up the warp transmissions of alien craft entering the system, as well as unusual pulses coming from the planet itself.  It isn't only the Imperium that wishes to purge Coheed VII of its ancient secrets.
Links to the Campaign
Armies Involved
Campaign Storyline
Current Orders
The next open-gaming date is Monday, February 28, from 5-10 pm.
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