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Script Total: 21
MUDs Featured: 1

I've worked mostly on the code lately but added one visible feature. For those of you that need larger font when reading text simply hoover your mouse over the portion you wish to read and it will change to bold. This is implemented in the news section enteries only.

A new look and feel for the site is in the works. I do all the graphic work myself and the complete layout so bear with me while I update everything. I am also cleaning up the code. Making it easier to work with.

Forums have been added for discussion about Adventures Unlimited and Zmud scripting. To post new scripts, request scripts or ask for help about scripts head to the new forum.

Four new scripts have been uploaded. They are not publicly available just yet but soon will be. Thanks to Bertrand for his effort.

The bank account script has been updated. It should be fully in-line with the mud from a non-clan point of view. That really just means it works for keeping track of your personal financies in game. Essentially removing the need to have it in your prompt or using the account command numerous times. Once you've imported the script hit 'a' or 'account' and that's it, from then on your bank account and taxes will display in the status line.

New script submission by Bertrand. Take a look, very nice in my opinion. Does what we all kind of need, keeps track of how many times we've improved our skills and spells so we can see how many more we might need. Very nice work. Give Bertrand a hand when you see him. Submission titled Skills Monitor, for easier referrence. In the AU scripts section

Updated the AU scripts section to reflect what is known to work and what is unknown with the latest version of zMud, 7.05. Still no work on the bank script. If I find time today I'll get that done.
