Click below for a Midi of "Unforgiven II" MY ASSIGNMENT... To get more Metallica Pictures. About myself... I a M 24 years old, and I go to C E ntral Missouri State Universi T y. I like to pl A y video games, stay up late, and L isten to METALLICA. I L ike to fold Origam I , swim, and draw. I am also a guitarist. I have played for 6 years. I have a younger brother that likes to C ome into my page and sign my guestbook with odd and sometimes disturbing mess A ges.
MY ASSIGNMENT... To get more Metallica Pictures. About myself... I a M 24 years old, and I go to C E ntral Missouri State Universi T y. I like to pl A y video games, stay up late, and L isten to METALLICA. I L ike to fold Origam I , swim, and draw. I am also a guitarist. I have played for 6 years. I have a younger brother that likes to C ome into my page and sign my guestbook with odd and sometimes disturbing mess A ges.