These are the coolest four indiviuals to ever walk the Earth...To bad Jason quit, maybe he will have more fun with Ozzy.

If the counter is broken, blame Geocities. They annoy me...but I can handle it.

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Click below for a Midi of "Enter Sandman"

Click below for a Midi of "Nothing Else Matters"

Click below for a Midi of "Fuel"

Click below for a Midi of "The Memory Remains"

Click below for a Midi of "Unforgiven II"

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About myself...

I a M 24 years old, and I go to C E ntral Missouri State Universi T y. I like to pl A y video games, stay up late, and L isten to METALLICA. I L ike to fold Origam I , swim, and draw. I am also a guitarist. I have played for 6 years. I have a younger brother that likes to C ome into my page and sign my guestbook with odd and sometimes disturbing mess A ges.