- Welcome to the Lord
Margas Tribute to Warcraft II Page. This
page is for all Warcraft II lovers out there.
- I have collected some
stuff. PUDs, Links, Strategies, etc. If you have any
comments or suggesstions, you
- At last, some people had
appreciated my web page. Thank you for giving me those
- It really brightens up my
- WarCraft News
- some good Single
scenario PUDS. If you have one, please send it to me and
I'll post it here.
Do you think that WARCRAFT II will still live?
Is there
a CHAT page for WarCraft lovers?
Please send
your answers to my guestbook.
- I frequently encounter
dead WarCraft links. For those of you who wish to keep
their page forever (that's
- impossible - at least for
a long time), please send me your URL and I'll post them
to my page.
- I am planning to create a
section on my page called "Immortal Links". This is for the benefit of
those people
- who would play WarCraft II
in the years to come.
- I want to thank Chris for
sharing some of his files to me. His page is excellent.
Lots of puds,
- I had put all the WarCraft
pages I had bookmarked for the past months here. I had also created some
- interesting puds using PUDDraft.
You can download them anytime you want. If you want your
- page to be included in the
listing, just send your email. The leader
category is my personal
- selection. I had based it
in order of importance, contents of information and
contribution that it gives
- to WarCraft fans. If you
find a very interesting page that you believed that will
contribute to the
- WarCraft community, e-mail
- .
- Visit the Immortal WarCraft Links
- Still in the making
Download - New WarCraft2
Map Editor. Visit Alex homepage and you will find a
lot of interesting stuffs.
Download -The best PUD
editor, bar none! Give mages dragon breath, make
bridges that both land units and sea units can cross,
make caves that flying units can't enter, use the
swamp terrain and all the 2x heroes, and select among
nearly a hundred AI types!
War2unit. v3.1. -
- One of the
best unit editors available.

best of Warcraft II
- WarCraft Armory
- WarCraft Fans Should visit this
- 25 Campaigns! Over 1,000 Levels
For Warcraft II
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Last update: October 25,