Hey welcome to my Video Game Emulator page. Why you ask I decided to make an Emulator page. Cause i'm tired of them all going down. This way you'll be able to keep track of whats going on. I'll try to keep updated on Emulated Games and Stuff..I can't promise i'll always have games on this page. But I can promise i'll keep the links fresh.

Now before I begin. I'll have to hear what you may think about emulation. Your For it...against it. Or you don't know what it is.

Feel more than free to e-mail me. I'm trying to load a few roms from my little collection. Its slow but all the time I got. I WON'T BE TAKING REQUESTS FOR ROMS. Simply because I only have available from what I have.

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Before downloading any thing on the net. Try this NEW program GetRight. It resumes broken downloads so it saves redownloading if your broswer crashes or you get disconnected.

If you Using Netscape Comunicator. It has this feature built in. Just click the file again and It will pickup where it left off.


While it is legal to back up your games, you can only download these files you own the game or system. Therefore do not download any of these if you do not own them. I am not legally responsible if you download a game and do not own it -- I own all the systems that will be found on this page. I am also not responsible for any links to other pages with games. These are here to aid those who do not have a backup system but wish to have a backup of their games.

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