The Great O-DIP Homepage
Welcome to the long awaited O-DIP homepage. This page is
intended to feature the various exploits of that little known fraternity
called O-DIP.
O-DIP: The Sights
To see the members of ODIP in their native environments, follow
this link to the
ODIP Image Gallery,
including profiles of various ODIP members.
O-DIP: The Sounds
Many bands spawned from the core of O-DIP, not least of which the
O-DIP house band,
Other bands of O-DIP members:
Bands: A Musical Journey
Other O-DIP Resources
Dan's Home Page: The
John's Home Page: The Garage
Not Quite O-DIP (viz: Other Stuff)
Dan's LEGO Page
And what does this have to do with roleplaying? Well, some
ODIP members have been known to play a round or two...