Sphere RPG Project
to JRN's Sphere RPG Project Homepage. The goal for this project is
simple, the task it to make a complete Sphere Role-Playing Game. (www.aegisknight.org---> That's Sphere's homepage)
Here, on this page, you will be able to view the progress of the project.
I will put up screenshots from time to time..
It is a 2d truecolor game, with a 320x240 resolution,
16x16 tiles, and 16x32 sprites. It resembles old classics such as Final Fantasy IV-VI, Secret of Mana, and Castlevania, but with its own unique look. The team consists of myself, (jrn) and the programmer, Dn7. Some of the artwork in the screenshots was made by Verin, Ian, and KevM. I can always use help graphics and programming-wise because of volume issues.
. And here is what you came to really
see, screenshots.
You can e-mail comments, questions, and inquiries to jrn.
Or you can add me to your icq contact list and message me at 25593248,
or you can find me on IRC (Description: Espernet, Server: adastra.esper.net,
Port 6667, channel, #sock.)Enjoy: