...Spyder's cheeeezy Geocities page...

.........a pathetic, but required ad.........

Ya found me.. should I be impressed?

I know, I know.. no updates in forever.. deal! I apologize for the mess, I'm still updating.... when I find time for it..

I started this lame exercise October 10,
1999, but have not cared yet. Please
check back soon, or blow me.

Leper Colony, Cranial Orgy, 5i2 Krew, much love to you!


Just got a new car.. 1998 Eagle Talon TSi AWD .. fast, smooth, sweet... Unfortunately the picture is fragged, I'll fix it later.

I got a request for some detailed, long term "life plans" and "self realization" goals and such. Made me chuckle.. right up till I puked.
If ya know me at all, you'll know I like to live free, and that means the map for the road ahead is drawn in crayon.. usually on a gum wrapper. In other words, take that new age psychobabble crap and smoke it in your bubble pipe.

Links to other sites on the Web

UserFriendly..damn funny stuff..

Links to sites on crack

Gateway DSM .. local owner's club for Mitsu/Eagle/Plymouth sports cars

Randy's page.. he's got photos of lotsa peeps

Jimi's page.. he's got some photos, too

Overfloater.. cool Norwegian band, met their drummer (J.H. Monsen) in Europe.
Jimi should get a kick outta them!

A little about me..

Was there supposed to be more? Hmm..

I'll be adding more links to more friend's pages and all that stuff in a while. For now, tho, I have a resume up on Monsterboard. Here it is (Ok, so I cheated...and haven't cleaned the format up for HTML encoding yet.. but I got a job that pays damn good so I'm not hunting right now anyway)

© 1997 me!
Gee, were ya looking for my name somewhere?

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