Hello everybody. I am Denny Rivera and I'd like to
thank you having taken the time to come and visit this site. This site will be
ongoing project that will display some of my personal work, including poems,
stories, essays, photos, and a variety of other things. I will also use this
site to display news and events occurring at Whittier High School. Lastly, I
plan to use this site as my way to pay tribute my friends at Whittier High
School. It is my aspiration to update this site as often as possible, but my
class schedule may impede daily updates. Forgive me if changes seem slow.
Again, thank you for visiting.

Profile: My name is Denny Peņa Rivera and I am a
senior at Whittier High School. I plan to graduate in June of 2003. I like
writing poems and stories, though I feel both need improvement. Anyone who
knows me well knows I have a special interest in most anything old fashion:
jazz, swing music, swing clubs, old-fashion restaurants, Zoot suits, classic
cars, swords, knights, dragons, and magic.
Greetings: I'd like to
say hi to the Wilson family, who have been more than friendly and kind towards
me. Each one of them has brought and unexplainable amount of happiness into my
life. Thank you very much.
I also
want to say hi to all my friends inside and out of school. I cannot express
all the fun I've had with them. To the weird, to the funny, to the solemn, to
the proud, I want to say thank you for the memories and thank you for the
laughs. I may not be the best of company, but they've stuck with me.