
Welcome 2 My Web Site

I am Z-man
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Hi, I'm Zack Kirback, and I'm 20. I go to Riverview Church of God's 61:ONE Student Ministeries (Riverview, Michigan) I lived in Trenton, Mi for 14 years, and moved to Huron Township. My hobbies include, playing video games (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, PlayStation, GBA and emulators), watching TV, reading (books and comics, I enjoy both), and sometimes goofing off with friends!

My family is Tim and Lana (dad and mom), Alicia(younger sister), Allen (Alicia's fiance) Crystal (older sister), Jason (Crystal's husband), and Dominic (Crystal and Jason's little boy). So we are getting bigger... Alicia and Allen are getting married in mid-August so I'll have to update!

The only warning for this site is if you have a moral objection to video games, Christains, or Christains who play video games.

Water Drip

The ickman cometh! The Legend of Zelda
My site is powered by Jesus


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To my DragonRaid site.


This is a reMarkable site. Need I say more.