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Infinite Solutions

If you are a player in the Ages & Alternities campaign, I want to hear from you. Send me a list of your characters and I’ll post it here. If you send me biographies (with or without pictures) of your characters, I can create webpages for them. Or if you have your own site for your characters, I’d like to link to it. Email Mary.

In case you happened across this site by accident and have no idea what it's about... Ages & Alternities is a multi-genre role-playing game campaign established in 1987. We use GURPS modified by house rules. We play every other Saturday. If you live in the north Dallas area and would like to observe a game session or get on the waiting list to join the campaign, email Bobby.

Ages & Alternities Message Board

Infinite Solutions Databank

Characters played by Bobby J:

Characters played by John S:

  • Brodie Cates - Martial artist.
  • Vincent Emery - Research scientist.
  • Jarret - Moon mage.
  • Johnny Whitetop - Modern Indian warrior.
  • Weezuachew - Space pilot.
  • Al 'Axle' Lee - Sometimes known as Butch. Operates an import/export company.
  • Aurora 'Rory' Borealis - A wanderer mapping the world of Erethel.
  • Max Whittle - Athletic reality TV contestant.

Characters played by Bill S:

  • Kevin McGuire, aka Mr. Wicket
  • Roger 'Beano' Luca
  • Trelane
  • Earl Grimes
  • Valmont Kazor
  • Silk
  • Blake Drummond - Began as a bodyguard and chauffeur; now runs his own security company.
  • Chalker Jackson - Magnetic personality.
  • Vicente Carbone - Mage.

Characters played by Tony V:

  • John Kines, private investigator.
  • Severin Smith, aka Black Crane, circus aerialist.

Characters played by Tom W:

  • D. Reginald "Reg" Myers, entrepreneur, man-about-town.
  • Torimar 312, a priest under a vow of silence.
  • Michael O'Connell, leprechaun.
  • Jeremy Grant, fly-anything, fly-anywhere pilot.
  • Runis Silverear, young Dwarven bard.
  • Jeremiah "JT" Trust - Forensics specialist.

Characters played by Mary K:

Background by Windy
Background by Windy