What is MK Online?
MK Online
- is a text based E-mail game
- is based loosely on the Mortal Kombat video games and the MK Kard Game
- is completely played via E-mail
- is completely FREE
- is NOT a video game
- has nothing to do with playing MK video games over the net
Other Play By E-mail Games?
Check the links page for some other play by E-mail games as well as some other sites submitted by MKOL players of past and present. If you know of a good E-mail game that should be listed on the link page, E-mail me and let me know.
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MK Online is hosted by Geocities. Visit Geocities for free homepages and E-mail.
Mortal Kombat, the Dragon Logo, and all MK character names are trademarks of Midway Games Inc.
Akuma is a trademark of Capcom Entertainment Inc.
MK Kard Game is a trademark of BradyGAMES.
All other character names and game titles mentioned on this site are trademarks of their respective owners.
None of these trademarks are being used on this web site for any commercial purposes. Please don't sue me.
MK Online, © 1998 dwells@firstva.com "...armed with a Blade of Blaze..."