My Home Page

Main Page

Its come to my attention that people are still actually visiting this site. 25 since September in fact. Therefore, in the interests of safety on the internet, I've decided to make this declaration.


It had to be said. This site is utter crap, period. If youre getting here through search engines, looking for RealRA2, fine then. Its below. If you're here for something else, then WHY ARE YOU HERE???? There IS nothing else here. Its old, its outdated, and its crap on a stick. Minus the cool stick. So go away, before I violate your mind with my sites utter crap.
Last Updated April 6, 2002.

Why are you still here?????

About me

 My favorite games

 A pic of me, some friends(up soon)

 Links to pages

A page about my fav music

Some cool gadet games

My old DATF web page

My RA2 Mod page

My Fallout Tactics page