Welcome to the world of ShadowRun. Where running the
shadows is one of the most dangerous jobs around, but it is the best paying job that does not require selling your soul to the mega-corperations that rule the world. Just remember, your in my world now, watch your step or it'll be your last.

>>>|A life ends with every drop of water that falls, if
you don't watch your back, yours will be next|<<<
This site will be going under heavy changes for the next few months, please come back often, and email me any suggestions
- Enter The
Shadows- My stuff on ShadowRun
- ShadowRun
Archive- The best ShadowRun site on the net.
- ShadowRun Data Heaven- A very large list
of things in the ShadowRun world.
- GodWar
- A new RPG I am in the process of
The Desert Realm -An interactive adventure site.

ShadowRun™ is a registered trademark of the FASA corperation. The
information on this site is not intended to infrindge on any
copyrights held by FASA, or any other company that has
copyrights to ShadowRun™ or any other gaming system that may
be found at this site.