My Pride,  My Joy, MY CAR
UPDATE:  (9-7-01)  All items are now gone, i.e. stolen...Please leave your comments in my guestbook or e-mail me about the install.
Pictures of what was inside.
CD player
Amps 'n' Subs in the day
Amps 'n' Subs at NIGHT!!
Amps 'n' Sub Side-by-side
The New Car
Little Bit Of Info...The Install
This is the third installation I've done in this vehicle.  I've never paid a dime for installation because I've done it all myself.  Everything that is in the back is enitirely original.  I did not copy anyone else's design.  I can't imagine the amount of hours that went into this.  I picked up the materials at a factory that I worked at.  Found glass pieces in the trash and the wood was scrap (But I wasn't trash diggin').  I did buy the carpet and lights though, didn't find those in the trash.
After looking at it, what do you think?  E-MAIL Me.
J Dub was here