An epic picture within a picture -- a young boy sleeps peacefully, dreaming of another very mystical world.

A faintly smiling figure sits on the edge of a dock and gazes out at the immense ocean landscape and roaming clouds.

A faintly smiling figure sits on the edge of a dock and gazes out at the immense ocean landscape and roaming clouds.

A faintly smiling figure sits on the edge of a dock and gazes out at the immense ocean landscape and roaming clouds.

A faintly smiling figure sits on the edge of a dock and gazes out at the immense ocean landscape and roaming clouds.

A faintly smiling figure sits on the edge of a dock and gazes out at the immense ocean landscape and roaming clouds.

A faintly smiling figure sits on the edge of a dock and gazes out at the immense ocean landscape and roaming clouds.

Orange Juice Holiday
A montage centered on a dualistic angel/demon which rests underneath a strangely ominous smiling face.

Memories of Eden
A doll-like woman in a flower patterned dress hovers over a serene image held inside a huge globe.

Devil of Dominion
The mechanical, flare-haired Devil of Dominion stands in front of a crucifix while its right hand glows with power.

Mime City
A long, tilted view of Mime City, suspended high in the atmosphere and supported by powerful columns.

Acid No. 2
Multiple grotesque and mindbending images surround a central image of a cross, accompanied by two determined-looking faces.

A lone minstrel sets his foot up on a stone wall to play his lute, surrounded by the cold images of winter.

The Toaster Savior
A robot close to death remains alive to protect a small boy as a smiling image of its face looms in the background.

(1997 cont'd)
My Little Sweetheart
A creepy, frightening doll with a wide-eyed expression stands with her dress blowing in the wind as dark liquid spurts from her neck.
A blindfolded, gagged male robot receives a reassuring kiss on the forehead from a companion female robot.
Angel of Dominion
The half-flesh, half-mechanized Angel of Dominion attaches its mechanical wires to two opposing masks and a circular looking glass. [Warning: This picture contains light nudity.]
The red-patterned Vermillion handstands holding a rose and wearing a top hat as a noose suspends his leg into the air.