Realm of the Four Heroes

Long ago in the beginning of time there was nothing but darkness and chaos in the universe. Then the emptiness of space produced four legendary supreme beings, beings of infinite wisdom and power, beings with abilities so great they could bend reality to their whims. These entities toiled for eons and finally created the universe as we know it. At times of great darkness they emerged to defend their creations and were thus known to mankind as the four heroes. After a long time the heroes were identified as gods and saviors of the universe. Then after a couple more eons, they got bored and decided to make a web page...

The legend foretold of the four who would bring enlightenment to the web...
Ian Brett Kevin Terry
Ian-dbz Brett-dbz Kevin-dbz Terry-dbz
The Tennis player Master of "sophistication" Educated hero for humans and cows alike Webmaster that enjoys videogames


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Disclaimer: The preceding explanation was not meant to be an interpretation of religion, but rather a humorous story. We do not mean to offend members of any religion with clashing beliefs about universal origin, just try to have fun with it. Also, despite the fact that Terry's cartoon representation has purple hair, he has black hair. :) On the other hand, Kevin is actually a fat, blue, catfish-like bug with sunglasses. =P