Welcome to Greek Power's
Home Page
Welcome to our site. We are some guys from Greece
and some from the other world.If you are a good player and if you fight like a Greek
warrior, and if you want to join our alliance, send me an e-mail or talk with me(Teo) by Icq #14368901 and I will give
you the alliance's password. In this e-mail you can include a photo and some information
about you. In this page you can see:Who we are(members
details and photos) and how
to contact us. You can also find some information about Greece and Acropolis by clicking
on one of the two pictures on the top of the page. You can also see our Statistics and some Strategies.For the Greek fans you can see and learn some of the Basic Greek Words( Skyven asked me).Finally,if you are
using Internet Explorer you can hear from any page and the Greek midi(some of the famous
Greek songs) like Zorbas,Axion Esti(Mikis Theodorakis),Synefiasmeni Kyriaki(Basilis
Tsitsanis) and more :).

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This page created for Greek Power Alliance by Teo.
In this page the midi is Greece's National Anthem.
Last update 01-08-2001