What is unlocking?
There are two types of phones out there. The first, is a phone which comes unlocked from the factory and can be used on any network. The second is a phone that a service provider bought form the company and System locked it so that the phone can only be used with this unique provider. Frequently, these locked phones are much cheaper because they are sponsored by the service provider company. In another words, you buy this phone for cheap, then repay us back by using it with us. This often means signing up for a full contract thus you cannot back away and the company makes even more money off of you. Now there are some fair companies which don't do sponsored phones but have excellent monthly plans meaning you also have to buy the phone for full price. Now with unlocking you can buy a phone cheap locked for a network, send it in to us, we will unlock it thus providing you with the oppurtinity to chose which service provider bests fits you. Easy? Thats right. |