Welcome to Charizard's site. Here you will find info on the Pokemon Trading Card Game, pokemon codes,GS codes for pokemon, and more! We are raising money for this site so that I can have prizes for the contest section. Please go to the "Info On Cards" section and click on the button that says "CLICK HERE". Another way I am raising money is with banners. I get a few cents every time that you click on one so please click on the banners so that I can get you prizes! I have added a pokegod codes section and all of the codes work so go check that out. Also, don't forget to bookmark this site (press ctrl+d). Enjoy Charizard's Lava Land!
10/28 - I have just made a top 100 sites list. Please go and check it out if you have a pokemon site. It will give you much more hits than you ever dreamed of! So join it today.
Before you start doing anything, please vote for your favorite pokemon by submitting it below:
Everything on this site is copyrighted © by Jonathan Thuerbach. Please ask for permission before using anything off of this site. Thank You. Charizard's Site © 1999. All rights reserved. Click Here for copyright regulations.