The All New

March 2, 2000

Important news!! We haven't been updating for a while because, basically, there's not much to update on, but aside from that, we're devoting any time for this page to making a new one. It's near completion and, if it all works (cross your fingers) it'll look pretty cool. At least better than this one. But that's not the important news. The important news is that we are no longer reachable at our old e-mail address, and can now be reached at Keep in mind that anything sent to our old e-mail addy will not be received, period. No forward or anything, mainly because that host no longer exists. Anything sent there shall be lost in cyberspace forever. See ya!

Update and Witty Editorial Archive

After much deliberation, Icicella Coldex and myself (Aves Dal Garidor) have designed a new, revamped Kombat Temple, to better serve the needs of you people. We were somewhat embarrassed with Mortal Kombat Gold's construction, which headed off several of our theoretical storylines. Also, Mortal Kombat: Special Forces is set to come out relatively soon, and it explains how Kano got his eye implant. It is probably not ours. So, we've somewhat toned down the extent of our theories, putting in more information that have a basis in Mortal Kombat games, and a more organized biography. And after we got some critiquing from friends, we also realized precisely how long it takes for our pages to load. It was actually my idea (Icicella is giving me a glare as I type this) to put in every available picture of the said character we could get our hands on. Now we're going to lay off the numerous graphics. Here are the characters of Mortal Kombat (in alphabetical order), click on them for a brief biography.

Johnny Cage

Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Noob Saibot
Quan Chi

Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn
Sub-Zero V
Sub-Zero VI

*by guest writer C. Buchner

Coming soon are the stage stories and official game stories released by Midway. We're still fixing a few things up for those pages. Please excuse the . . . well, crappiness of Ermac and Rain's full body pictures. We made them ourselves. Let's face it, there aren't any good ones out there. We took the initiative. If you have access to better ones, report it, please.

Second item. Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero was a varitable gold mine of information. You might notice that some biographies have exerts directly from the storyline of it. We just couldn't paraphrase it properly. We do hope to get a section here up with stories and pictures of the different characters, we just can't find a store that carries the game around here. The webpage, sadly, does not exist where it was anymore. If you've found it, contact us, please.

Third item. Mortal Kombat 5 appears to have been put on hold while Special Forces and Gold are being produced. So I'm putting it on hold too. No new information has come to the surface recently, just a little blurb on the overall story, which I totally did not understand. Apparently, Kabal, Kano, and King Jerrod (Sindel's hubby, remember?) are coming in (lot's of K's I noticed) and I thought all of them were dead. So this is bound to be an interesting game. So far, the best we've dug up is from so give it a go.

Thanks for visiting. Some pages you might want to visit are also Mortal Kombat Nightmares for good FAQs and Icemaster's highly informative Mortal Kombat Saga. Other sites to look at are the official and Ed Boon's site

E-mail me. Tell me what you think. Do you think we should change a little something in a bio? Add a pic? Take one away? We made this page for you guys, people. Tell us what you think at Our guest writer, C. Buchner, who wrote the Chameleon biography, can be reached at


Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat Gold, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, and Mortal Kombat: Special Forces and all surrouding characters are copyright Midway Entertainment. Midway has no connection or affiliation in any way to this page, and said characters are used without permission.
Atlantean Entertainment and Coldex Studios and all surrounding characters are copyright Aves Dal Garidor and Icicella Coldex.