Welcome to the Official A.L.O.F Web Site!

ALOF was created on May 28th, 1999 and currently has 44 members (as of 9/11/99).

ALOF stands for Adult Lovers Of Furby. Why another Furby group? Because the groups I've seen seem to be mainly ads for those trying to make a killing on selling theirs. There are also several Furby newsgroups, but I've had it with the attitudes of certain posters on those NG's. SO, if you want to talk about how cool the Furbys are, the newest colors, where you've seen them, new Easter Eggs you've discovered, or whatever, this is the list for you. There will be no flaming, and anybody who develops an "attitude" will be warned privately and then booted off if they continue. I want a fun place to talk about my cute little guys (who are beginning to take over my computer area, BTW!), and other fun stuff, too. So give it a shot.

List Owner,

Community Email Addresses

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Would you like to get to know everyone a little bit better?! Then click on the names below. You'll find profiles as well as pictures of some of the Furby addicts subscribed to A.L.O.F.

| Lisa | Nita | Rose | Morna | Katherine |

| Erica | DJ | Doris | Jan | Fran | Leanndra |

| Lynn | Donna | Norma |

Our Favorite Links!

Topsy Furby
The Fabulous Furby Fan Page
Hack Furby
Electronic Furby
The Furby Chronicles
Furby's Christmas Land
Marius's Furby Page
The "official" Tiger Furby site
Furby Autopsy Site

The Official A.L.O.F Web Site
was last updated on
January 9, 2000

Questions, Comments, Criticism?
E-mail Erica, Web Mistress

©, 1999 Erica Wilson

All graphics and HTML courtesy of Simply Faboo, a division of "Erica's Place". These creations are NOT public domain and are not for use on any other web sites or in collections. If you are interested in graphics like the ones used in this project, please contact Erica.

This site has no connection with Tiger Electronics