Fantasy Computer Games
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This page will bring you info on many of the fantasy computer games that are now on the market or will be released soon.
The first game is Asheron's Call by Microsoft. It is an online roleplaying game that has what is most likely the best event and allegence system. The Asheron's Call website is here. Although the public beta has ended (so you can't play for free) there are some great screenshots and articles there.
A really awesome new game by Shiny is Sacrifice. It's a game where you play an immortal wizard who acts as a mercinary for one of 5 gods. The game is a combination of RTS, RPG and action. Go check it out!
The game that just got Gamespot's RPG of the year award is Planescape: Torment. It has been made by Black Isle Studios who made Buldur's Gate(another great game). The Planescape webpage is here. A great fan site for all of the Black Isle RPG's is the Planet Baldur's Gate.
Another awsome game is Darkstone. It was created by DSI. You control two characters and there are over 200 types of enemies and interactive characters. The Darkstone site is here and a good unofficial site is called Darkstone Realm.
Diablo II is a new game from Blizzard that was released late June 2000.It is a really fun game and the new expansion set will make it awesome. Blizzard has a website for it here and there is a great unofficial site called A really good Blizzard-supported news site is
Yet another great game is Thief: The Dark Project by Eidios Interactive. In Thief you are Garrett, a master thief in a world where magic is powerful and deadly.The Thief website is here.There is also a sequel out called Thief II: the Metal Age.
I have made a Mordheim webpage called The Mordheim Foundary. To see what Mordheim is go there.
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