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N64 Codes
In Mario Party here is an easy way to get a lot of money. Go to th mini game house and look in th pot. Select 4 player game. Choose your characters and put all their handicaps on 50. Do a 30 turn game. On the first roll change all the characters to computer and put their difficulty on hard. On the last turn change everyone back and finish up. You will get the credit for their work! In Zelda 64 to get more skulltulas go outside the castle and down the moat where the tree is. Play the song of storms and go down the grotto. Blow up the walls with bombs and kill the spiders. Use your boomerang to get the skulltula and just before it hits you back flip into the warp. When you go back down you will have a credit for the one you just got and the skulltula will still be there. You can keep doing this and get over 100 skulltulas if you do it right! At the fishing pond there is an eel at the bottom which is very hard to catch. To get it first get the sinking lure. Then drag the lure past the eel and try to get it to bite. It weighs about 35 pounds. In Turok type LKMBRD as your password to enable fly mode. This lets you float anywhere in the stage and to walk through walls. Use L and R to float up and down. In Rush 2 to access the cheat menu, go to the setup screen and hold L + R + Z. While still holding them press all four of the C buttons. If done correctly a CHEATS menu should appear under the AUDIO option. To access the codes in the cheat menu simply put the cursor on the code you want to access then enter one of the codes below: Burning Wreck: Hold C-Up and press Z, Z, Z, Z. Massive Mass: Hold L and R and press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right. Killer Rats: Hold L and R and press Z, Z, Z, Z. New York Cabs: Press R, L, Z, C-Up, C-Down, C-Up. Resurrect In Place: Hold Z and C-Left and press C-Right, then hold Z and C-Right and press C-Left. Frame Scale: Hold Z and C-Down and press C-Up, then hold Z and C-Up and press C-Down. Tire Scaling: Hold Z and C-Left and press C-Right, then hold Z and C-Right and press C-Left. Auto-Abort: Quickly press C-Up four times. Game Timer: Hold Z + C-Down, press C-Up, then hold Z + C-Up and press C-Down. Gravity: Hold Z, and press C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down 3 times. Car Collisions: Hold L and R, and press C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down 3 times. Cone Mines: Hold Z, and tap L and R 4 times. Car Mines: Tap Z and C-Up, then C-Right, C-Down, C-Left 6 times. Track Orientation: Hold L and R, and press C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left 4 times. Super Speed: Hold L and R and press C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right. Inside-Out Car: Hold C-Right and C-Down, and press L, R, Z. Damage: Press R, C-Down, L, 2 times. Invincibility: Press L, C-Up, R two times. Invisible Car: Hold L and R, and press C-Up, C-Down 5 times. Invisible Track: Hold L and R, and press C-Down, C-Up 5 times. Brakes: Hold C-Up and C-Right, and press Z 3 times. Super Tires: Hold L and R, and press C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left 2 times. Suicide Mode: Hold Z, and press C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, C-Right 2 times. Do the Dew!: Press L + R + C-Down, then L + R + C-Left, then L + R + C-Up, then L + R + C-Right twice, then press Z. Levitation: Hold L, R, and Z, and hit C-Up 4 times. Fog Color: Hold Z, and press C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, and C-Down 3 times. Stunt Mode: Hold all four C buttons and press R, A, Z, L. In Goldeneye to get even more people in multiplayer mode like the game designers, bike rider, and the terrorist follow the directions below. This code is complicated, but the effect is worth it. You can do this code anywhere, but it's best to do it on the Multi-Player Character Select screen while looking at the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite.) Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press LEFT on the Control Pad (not the analog stick.) Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. Hold R and press DOWN on the Control Pad. Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. Hold L + R and press C-Down. Hold L and press RIGHT on the Control Pad. If that doesn't work, hold L and press DOWN on the Control Pad. Note: you'll have to reenter this code if you turn off the game. In South Park 64 to access every cheat type BOBBYBIRD. Go to the cheat menu and customize the cheats to your liking. Have fun!

Gameboy Codes
To get the mist stone in pokemon use one of these two ways, I'm not sure which one works. In red version you need to go to the rock tunnel and not use flash.Ride around using the item finder and you should find it. In blue version go to the bike path and use the item finder but don't get in any fights and you should find it. The second way is on Cinnabar Island a man trades you a riachu for an electrode and he says the riachu evolved. Trade the electrode he gave you with a riachu of the same level and you might get a pikablu! To get hard to catch Safari Zone pokemon go to the safari zone and go to the section with the pokemon you want to catch. Let time run put and fly to Fuchsia City. Surf down to Seafoam Island without getting in any fights. Surf along the shore and you'll find the pokemon that were in the Safari Zone. MissingNo. evolves into the fourth pokemon on your line up. To get to Mewtwo's secret bonus stage in Pokemon Pinball you need to go to both bonus stages in each board. Diglet and Seel in the red board, and Meowth and Gastly in the blue board. The next bonus stage should be his.
Pc Codes
In Heretic 2 for invincibility hit ~ and type in playbetter. For all items hit~ and type suckitdownall. For G-Police type PANTALON for all secret missions. Type DOOBIES for infinite shields. Type MRTICKY for infinite weapons and type STATTOE for in-game info. Here are Grand Theft Auto's best codes. Type them in where you would put the name. 6031769 for unlimited life, itsgallus for all levels and cities, itcouldbeyou for 999,999,999 points, suckmyrocket for all weapons, armor, and jail key, and buckfast- Press * on the number pad for all weapons. You like NFS 3 High Stakes/ I got some great codes. Type ACAR, BCAR, and CCAR for three bonus cars and CARS for all cars. Type TRACKS for all tracks OUTMYWAY so you can honk your horn and watch everyone crash. Type DCOP, ECOP, and FCOP, for three bonus persuit cars.
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