# GuestBook

# News Archive

# Yahoo Club

Latest Update :
9 March 2001

YaHoo CLuB FaN SiTe

@ @ @ ...Zoe is the QUEEN of the world !... @ @ @

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Zoe McLellan Fan Chat
Which one of those is the most suitable day for you to attend the following Zoe McLellan fan chat?


Current Results

Eheh, cool animation right?

Click HERE for the animated gif (1.38 MB) of Zoe casting a spell in D&D
Click HERE for Zoe McLellan Fan Chat (23-02-2001) transcript

Q : What's coming up?

A 1: Gathering up some info, this time I will be prepared for the chat, most fans looked for. Please fill in the polls so that we can find the most suitable time and day for as many fans as possible. No hurries this time... It' gonna be perfect!

A 2 : I Plan to add two parts to my page. One is a "Zoe on Web" investigation and the other is a "Song Dedication" page or something like this. Still in the works... Keep an eye.

P S : 37 working D&D screenshots available on pictures section of the only Yahoo Zoe McLellan Club


I just thought, message-board of Zoe McLellan might not be suitable for feedback. Because there are also people who want to receive messages by e-mail, so your messages will go to them too. That would not be fair. In addition, guestbook will make it easier to post the stuff. So go ahead and tell me what you think of the site and all that.

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Don't you think glasses make her more pretty ? Huh?



I know, I haven't been updating this page for more than 6 days. Yes, it hurts me. But, it seems my school work won't let me update this page daily. So, please forgive me for about 1 week, cos my exams are coming soon. But, I will be back with great stuff.

News from Megacon : Well as you might be informed, there are some pics available. Steve dropped a link to Club's message board a few days earlier. Thanks Steve! And one member linked to his web, great pics there too. ( Check message board ) And there are pics at Fred's web too. ( www.allthingszoe.com ). Well, apart from those there seems to be some "upcoming" pics to Fred. We'll wait and see. I actually see no good at copying other's Megacon pics to my page. So seek up the links and you will find them. But I will use Steve's, later on.

I got some gics from "Prag", capitol of Czech Republic where D&D was shot. I will upload them as I find time.

WoW! Well well well... Members exceeded 70. Thanks for your support.

Hmm, you know, it makes me think... you have more than 70 members in a club. But only a few of them answers your poll. Hey come on, I'm trying to find up the best time for this chat. Help me! Go on and submit your comments by clicking the "comments" link after casting your vote, if you want.


Added poll for scheduling chat.

And finally I got "CINE 5 Magazine" for the upcoming appearance of D&D in Turkey. Click on the pic to get it larger. The article is about the story of D&D and the appearance times. What took my attention was the wrong written surname of Zoe. I mailed to the director's to get it corrected.



for more info on this appearance.

I heard of the quake that hit Seattle. I hope everything is ok. But I know that Zoe's High School is in that area. I guess she might be dissapointed because of that. Hope she's ok.

A little visual change in the upper part of the page and a new grapical Zoe McLellan logo with Fireworks TM added.

Moved some news to the archive.

Members exceeded 50. Thanks for your support.


Hmm, with rising excitement about the appearance in Megacon, I guess we all await some latest-recent stuff about Zoe from this appearance. Well, hope it's not a failure and she'll do some breath-taking "going well together" with fans, unlike the SCFI channel chat.

Added more D&D screenshots on the pictures section.


Zoe McLellan Fan Chat on 23th February was successful. We had only 5 attendants but it was a great piece of friendship and sharing info. Here are the attendants :

zoemcfan --> Webmaster of www.allthingszoe.com . Fred.
Vortex62 --> Webmaster of the wonderful Sliders page
www.earth62.net . Steve.
PhalKon --> A big fan from Australia. Marshall.
CalQdeX --> A big fan who is a net genuine.
Ali --> Me! As you might have guessed.

Guest :
Salrathor --> Unknown personality :-)

And click -HERE- for the chat transcript.

A few comments on the chat : I thank all the wonderful fans who attended it. But, if you have been around Zoe sites for a while, you will easily see that the chat was most likely a "Webmaster's Chat". Me, Fred and Steve are site owners. And there were only 2 fans who didn't own a site related with Zoe. To tell the truth, I was too dissapointed that a fan chat of a 50 membered Yahoo club (and even more visitors each day) was not taken seriously. I don't know, if I will schedule another chat, but I guess each fan should have an explanation for this. Too bad guys, that was not a good inspiration for me!

Just a note : I recently learned that D&D will be on TV in March. According to the schedule magazine of CINE 5 (A turkish cannel) Dungeons&Dragons will be shown in March. I will be tracking this. Keep in contact.


For many times, I tried to enter Yahoo Club's chatroom. But there seems to be a problem with the applet or something. I chaecked it through internet cafe's and the result was the same. So, the chat will be at the same time but in the following adress : ( thanks Vortex62 for the info)


This URL is a link to the java applet page of admo.net, for those who don't want to use IRC Client to enter the room. Simply go to this URL and enter your nick and be sure "Channel" is "zoemclellan". ( it will automatically be zoemclellan if you directly click on this link ) And enjoy the chat.

Those who don't want to be involved in java and the Explorer, you may also use your IRC client and connect to :

irc.admo.net on port 6667
Room :zoemclellan

But please note, I don't approve of IRC, cos I didn't check this process. If you fail to connect using IRC, simply try the link above.

I will upload the transcript to this page as soon as possible.


A fan told me how to cut up dat files but I guess it will take time for me to get it working, So here is the animated gif of Zoe charging a spell on Damador and his companions. I know the framerate is low and it is a big file ( 1.38 MB ) but I didn't have any better chance. It's 30 frames and 3.2 sec animation. I will be working on dat cutting matter.

I hope everything is okay with the chat. Any questions? or suggestions? Write me!

I added a Quick Links table at the top of the page and a simple marquee tag to blink when the page is updated.

I moved older news to the News Archive.


Members reached 40. Thanks for your support.

The older Zoe McLellan Yahoo Club (it was spelled "mcclellan") was removed from the Yahoo server. And, if the founder of this older club wants to say or add anything to this club, for sure he is wellcomed. I just wanted to thank him cos of his kind behaviour.

Founsipoun, the owner of the french Zoe site, let us know about the new Yahoo Club "I love Zoe McLellan". I say, it's really so nice for fans to make sites for Zoe but I don't know what this 2nd Zoe club aims. We'll see.

As population grew, I just think it's time for a chat schedule.(No McLellan's are attending to this chat ;-)

--- ATTENTION TO ALL ZOE FANS : Date and time for the following chat is ---

23 - 02 - 2001 Friday at 22:00 (10:00PM) [ GMT +2:00 ]

I hope most of you will attend and we have a great chat. The chatroom will be our Club's chatroom. So to enter the chat simply click on the "chat" link on the lower left side of our club-page. I all await you. Reminders will be send to club's messaging board, and calendar will be set up.


Maybe you know it, Zoe's little sister Cassie ( Cassandra McLellan ), is around the net. Earlier written on Fred's guestbook, now she's writing in e-groups. A few days earlier, I could find time to write her and got a really warm-blooded and polite reply. Being discussed the beauty with respect to her older sister nowadays in e-groups, Cassie has told me some messages from Zoe to fans. But unfortunately, it seems her PC is broken. She just does some crazy things to answer e-mails. Nevertheless, if she let's me, I plan to add her e-mails to my web, but the contact is still on the works. I will inform you about this in the shortest time

A new guestbook added.


I must admit, the screencaps of the newest episode of "Invisible Man", gave me a big smile. Hmm, how strange, is Zoe interested in gymnastics now? Well, as we don't have "Invisible Man" show in Turkey, that's only a comment. Those who have watched it, please tell me what she's doing in the following pic, or at least the connection with the story? In fact, she looks such a cute girl here too. As usual, we may say...

Get more "Invisible Man" caps here!

Recently I'm working on a chat schedule. So, help me with the time and date so that it's possible for most fans to attend. To do so, just e-mail me and tell me what time & date you want it. ( and please write "chat schedule for the subject.) I think Saturday night, about 10 PM (GMT +2:00) would be allright.


After a long period of wait, at last the wonderful book sequel of Tolkien, "The Lord of the Rings" is getting ready to flash up in the white screen. Reported to be ready till the end of this year, it's expected to hit millions. So, this week's ( 29/01/2001 ) Newsweek Magazine had an article on the movie. Here's the scannings of the 2 paged article and a quote from it. (Click on the pic to get it larger, as usual)

FiRST PaGe (226 KB)

SeCoND PaGe (237 KB)

"Tolkien's been faulted for leaving women out of his world; but he does better than you might expect: the gentle but steely-willed elf queen Galadriel (Cate Blanchett) holds. one of the good Rings of Power, and the Lady Eowyn of Rohan (Miranda Otto) actually gets to dress as a man and do a crucial bit of sword wielding. In the movie, Arwen Evenstar (Liv Tyler) who does almost nothing in the book but wait for king Aragorn to marry her will (again, reportedly) go sword-to-sword with the scary Ringwraiths"
(Just think, Zoe should play the queen in this movie, what a pity! But would you think it would be suitable to take place in another FRP movie after D&D (Except from expected D&D2) ? If she was the queen, wouldn't it be some strange to see her as a Mage first and an Elf Queen later?Buff!)

Check  http://www.lordoftherings.net/ for more news and the "Lord of the Rings Trailer", a must download!



One of my favorite pics! With a little Paintshop...


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The webmaster of this site


Ali Kefeli
Quake II PoS Clan Member (ReTiReD)
Counter Strike [CreW] Clan Member (ACTiVe)
Nick.......................: CyberDoom
E - Mail..................:
Alternate E - Mail...:
ICQ  Uin................: 18646134
Zoe McLellan ICQ Activelist ID..: 103651488
*Those who fear the dark, don't know what the light can do!*


Any comments, questions, suggestions? Anything to say?

Or just wanna chat or say "hi" ? Feel free to contact me at any time!


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This site is not an official site, and is not authorized by the estate of Zoe McLellan, her representatives, assigns, or heirs, nor is this site intended to be so construed. Except for material in the public domain, or obtained with permission from its owner, this site's publisher represents and warrants that each element of this site is original material created by this site's publisher. This site's publisher further represents and warrants that this site does not infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, moral rights, right of privacy, or right of publicity of any third party or contain any defamatory material.


This site's publisher is just a big fan of Zoe McLellan.

© Copyright 2001