Download Fras (2/2001)
File Name Compr/Unzipped Description
fras.wad v9.2 433kB / 1269kB Doom 2 Deathmatch version (Text file)
frasl.wad v11.0 644kB / 1847kB Doom Legacy Deathmatch version (Text file)
fras1.wad v8.2 409kB / 1122kB Doom 2 Single Player / Coop Version (Text file)
fras1l.wad v8.0 431kB / 1112kB Doom Legacy Single Player / Coop Version (Text file)

Level 1: Turks 6/1998 by Paul O’Neill
[Map of Turks]
New Music:Istanbul is Constantinople
by They Must Be Giants
New Graphics:none
Known Bugs:none

Fragrate: 1.85 frags/min

An arena type level set in and around a desert outpost. Hallways and stairways surround the central area with plenty of opportunities for ambush and sniper attacks.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:6
Light Amp Visor:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:1
Shotgun:4 Shells:0
Super Shotgun:5 Box of Shells:3
Chaingun:1 Ammo Clip:10
Box of Bullets:0
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:10
Box of Rockets:0
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:5
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:0
Health Potion:12
Medical Kit:2
Soul Sphere:1
Armor Helmet:10
Green Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • The rockets along the wall are facing different directions. Especially interesting if you have chicken.wad.
  • The door that doesn’t seem to open.
  • Scrolling exit sign. (As in all Paul O’Neill wads)
  • Dead, impaled guy out in the middle of nowhere.

Level 2: New Completed 7/31/1998 by Jerry P.
[Map of New]
New Music:Original Composision
by Jason P.
New Graphics:none
Known Bugs:Hall of mirrors around mountain.
Editors:DeeP for DOS

Fragrate: 1.36 frags/min

This level is a bunch of rooms clustered together. Several strange sets of stairs to climb for prizes.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:8
Light Amp Visor:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:3
Shotgun:1 Shells:4
Super Shotgun:1 Box of Shells:2
Chaingun:1 Ammo Clip:0
Box of Bullets:1
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:5
Box of Rockets:1
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:1
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:2
Health Potion:15
Stim Pack:3
Medical Kit:4
Soul Sphere:2
Green Armor:2
Blue Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • More chickens facing various directions.
  • Many types of staircases. Usually something good rests on the top.
  • Watch for accidental telefrags!
  • It’s quite easy to get up to 200% in this level. Just look around for the power-ups.
  • No exit sign - what’s up with that?

Level 3: Brick 8/1998 by Paul O’Neill
[Map of Brick]
New Music:Theme from Kids in the Hall
New Graphics:none
Known Bugs:Commander Keen bugs me.

Fragrate: 1.24 frags/min

Plenty of gas lamps line the red brick hallways surrounding a large room with the soul sphere. Once declared to be “The King of Secrets,” Brick is best known for its fake walls hiding the numerous hidden rooms and corridors.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:4
Light Amp Visor:2
Commander Keen:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:1
Shotgun:3 Shells:9
Super Shotgun:4 Box of Shells:2
Chaingun:2 Ammo Clip:12
Box of Bullets:0
Rocket Launcher:2 Rocket:7
Box of Rockets:2
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:0
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:2
Medical Kit:2
Soul Sphere:1
Green Armor:1
Blue Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • Gas lamps
  • No sky - anywhere!!!
  • The Moooo! room
  • Secrets are everywhere. If you are wounded and need to ditch the other guy, just run up against the wall. It might be fake.
  • Plenty of places to hide and ambush your opponent.
  • Scrolling exit sign.

Level 4: Biff! Kazam! 7/1998 to 9/12/1998 by Jerry P.
[Map of Biff! Kazam!]
New Music:Yankee Doodle
New Graphics:none
Known Bugs:none
Editors:DeeP for DOS

Fragrate: 1.19 frags/min

Biff-Kazam has many rooms and hallways close together. You can often see and shoot through windows places that you can’t immediately get to. Also known as BK.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:9
Light Amp Visor:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:1
Shotgun:2 Shells:2
Super Shotgun:2 Box of Shells:1
Chaingun:1 Ammo Clip:2
Box of Bullets:1
Rocket Launcher:2 Rocket:3
Box of Rockets:1
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:2
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:1
Health Potion:5
Health Potion × 5:1
Stim Pack:4
Medical Kit:1
Armor Helmet:3
Green Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • All textures perfectly aligned.
  • Teleporter up to the Megasphere.
  • Hanging Exit sign.

Level 5: Brick II 4/1999 by Paul O’Neill
[Map of Brick II]
New Music:Scotland the Brave
New Graphics:BRICK11 with Switch
Known Bugs:none

Fragrate: 1.64 frags/min

The sequel to Brick takes after its predecessor both in the prominence of red brick and gaslamps and with the use of fake walls and corridors. Also flip plenty of switches to get many of the important items in the level.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:5
Light Amp Visor:1
Commander Keen:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:2
Shotgun:6 Shells:9
Super Shotgun:2 Box of Shells:2
Chaingun:2 Ammo Clip:4
Box of Bullets:1
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:9
Box of Rockets:2
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:0
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:1
Health Potion × 5:2
Health Potion × 10:2
Health Potion × 20:1
Health Potion × 25:1
Health × 5 / Armor × 5:2
Health × 10 / Armor × 10:1
Armor × 5:1
Armor × 10:3
Armor × 15:1
Armor × 25:1
Green Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • No Megaspheres, Soulspheres, and Blue Armor.
  • Switches in Brick II are as disguised as the hallways.
  • Plenty of places for sneak attacks.
  • MOOOO!! Get it?
  • Another scrolling exit sign.

Level 6: Sky 10/1998 to 2/24/1999 by Jerry P.
[Map of Sky]
New Music:Theme from Quantum Leap
New Graphics:RSKY1
Seam removed
Known Bugs:Hall of mirrors under bridge
Editors:DeeP for DOS

Fragrate: 1.88 frags/min

Hope you like F_SKY1! This entire level takes place in the sky. Be very thankful for the torches and other reference points.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:7
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:1
Shotgun:7 Shells × 2:1
Super Shotgun:1 Box of Shells:1
Chaingun:1 Ammo Clip × 2:1
Box of Bullets:0
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:4
Box of Rockets:0
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:1
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:0
Health Potion × 5:4
Stim Pack:2
Medical Kit:1
Soul Sphere:1
Armor Helmet × 5:2
Things to look out for:
  • Torches, Gas Lamps, Pillars, and other objects of scenery are usually around to prevent you from losing the pathways.
  • The BFG, Plasma Gun, and Soul Sphere are obtainable in Sky, but they aren’t as easy to get as they seem to be.
  • Hanging exit sign.

Level 7: Bob 6/1999 to 6/22/1999 by Paul O’Neill
1 Player: 1/1/2000
[Map of Bob]
New Music:“Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!”
from Ren & Stimpy.
New Graphics:none
Known Bugs:none

Fragrate: 2.36 frags/min

A small, quickly made level packed with weapons and ammo designed for high frags.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:5
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:3
Shotgun:4 Shells:3
Super Shotgun:4 Box of Shells:2
Chaingun:1 Ammo Clip:4
Box of Bullets:2
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:7
Box of Rockets:1
Plasma Gun:0 Energy Cell:0
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:1
Health Potion × 3:5
Health Potion × 5:5
Health Potion × 10:2
Health Potion × 30:1
Armor Helmet × 5:7
Armor Helmet × 10:1
Armor Helmet × 15:2
Armor Helmet × 30:1
Green Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • 2 Scrolling Exit Signs!
  • Chickens in a coop! and one that got away!

Map 8: Not a Level 7/8/1999
New Music:My Way
New Graphics:None
Editors:DeeP 97

Just take a step forward and get it over with.

Level 9: The Hub 4/1/1999 to 7/8/1999 by Jerry P.
1 Player: Completed 1/5/2000
[Map of the Hub]
New Music:Summer Breeze
and Old Black Water
New Graphics:none
Known Bugs:none

Fragrate: 1.05 frags/min

The hub of the level is nearly unavoidable, but for the best stuff you have to go the farthest from it.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:10
Commander Keen:26
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:1
Backpack × 2:1
Shotgun:3 Shells × 2:1
Super Shotgun:1 Box of Shells:2
Chaingun:2 Ammo Clip × 2:1
Box of Bullets:0
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:0
Box of Rockets:1
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:0
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack × 2:1
Health Potion × 5:7
Health Potion × 30:1
Armor Helmet × 7:2
Armor Helmet × 20:1
Things to look out for:
  • Do you enjoy spending time in those long, dark, hallways that bypass the Hub?? Well, YOU SHOULDN’T!!!
  • The best weapons tend to be farther from the Hub
  • Check out the lake. For once open sectors help more than they harm Doom II mapmakers.
  • Exit Sign on a pole
  • You could easily get lost inside the hub. The Lamps are there to help you orint youself.

Level 10: Ту Петроград! 11/1/2000 to 11/24/2000 by Paul O’Neill
1 Player: 8/14/2001 to 8/18/2001
New Graphics:Waterfall
New Music:Cavalry of the Steppes
by Lev Knipper
Known Bugs:none
[Map of To Petrograd!]

Fragrate: 1.10 frags/minute

(“To Petrograd”) A level set around a Russian lake and fountain in both Winter and Summer. You're not at Petrograd, but apparently from the title, you're heading there. It uses Boom to do some pretty cool stuff and requires Legacy for play.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:16
Computer Map:1
Commander Keen:2
Chainsaw:2 Backpack:8
Shotgun:13 Shells:1
Super Shotgun:7 Box of Shells:12
Chaingun:5 Ammo Clip × 3:1
Box of Bullets:9
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:32
Box of Rockets:6
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:0
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:6
Health Potion:10
Health Potion × 3:2
Health Potion × 5:4
Health Potion × 10:2
Health Potion × 15:1
Health Potion × 25:1
Medical Kit:6
Armor Helmet:10
Armor Helmet × 3:2
Armor Helmet × 5:4
Armor Helmet × 10:2
Armor Helmet × 15:1
Armor Helmet × 25:1
Things to look out for:
  • Slick changes of items/places between seasons
  • Some stuff ends up on top of the ice when the lake freezes, other stuff just sits at the bottom.
  • Sometimes stuff is changed between Summer and Winter
  • Torches transport you between seasons
  • Winter
    • Fancy lighting
    • Slippery Iced-over lake
  • Summer
    • Fountain with a current
    • Slick little exit hideaway

Level 11: Triple Decker 2/24/1999 to 3/2/1999 and 1/7/2000 to 3/13/2000 by Jerry P.
Doom 2: 6/12/2000 to 6/21/2000
1 Player: 12/18/2000 to 7/14/2001
New Graphics:Reversed BRNSMAL
New Music:Original composition
by Jerry P.
Known Bugs:none
[Map of Triple Decker]

Fragrate: 1.84 frags/minute

Misnomer in Doom 2 as Doom 2 can't handle 3 paths on top of each other. Doom Legacy can handle it, and does.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:8
Light Amp Visor:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:1
Shotgun:2 Shells × 2:2
Super Shotgun:1 Box of Shells:0
Chaingun:2 Ammo Clip × 2:1
Box of Bullets:0
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:4
Box of Rockets:0
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:1
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:0
Health Potion × 10:2
Health Potion × 15:2
Armor Helmet × 10:4
Things to look out for:
  • Two long hallways have limited access to each other
  • Watch for chickens down the hallways
  • Don't shoot chickens at the floor (Legacy version). Shells and bullets, however, can go through the false floors.

Level 12: Крестовский Сиркл 7/30/2001 to 8/18/2001 by Paul O’Neill
New Graphics:Russian Flag
New Music:Waltz from Masquerade Suite
by Aram Katchaturian
Known Bugs:None

Fragrate: 1.10 frags/minute

(“Krestovsky Circle”) This level pushes you to the outside!

Deathmatch Starts:8
Light Amp Visor:1
Computer Map:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack:3
Shotgun:4 Shells6
Super Shotgun:4 Box of Shells:5
Chaingun:3 Ammo Clip0
Box of Bullets:1
Rocket Launcher:3 Rocket:11
Box of Rockets:6
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:2
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:1
Health Potion:65
Stim Pack:3
Medical Kit:3
Armor Helmet:20
Green Armor:1

Level 13: Smard: The Hub’s Revenge 8/30/2000 to 11/16/2000 by Jerry P.
New Graphics:None
New Music:Baklava
Known Bugs:Node error (?) in
central room
[Map of Smard]

Fragrate: 1.40 frags/minute

The hub of this level has limited onramps and offramps, but the whole rest of the level is attatched to it. Lots of Legacy stuff.

Detailed Map and Screenshots

Deathmatch Starts:16
Light Amp Visor:1
Chainsaw:1 Backpack × 2:1
Shotgun:4 Shells1
Shells × 2:1
Super Shotgun:2 Box of Shells:1
Chaingun:3 Ammo Clip2
Box of Bullets:1
Rocket Launcher:2 Rocket:3
Box of Rockets:1
Plasma Gun:1 Energy Cell:1
BFG 9000:1 Energy Pack:1
Health Potion × 5:2
Stim Pack:2
Medical Kit:2
Health Potion × 30:1
Armor Helmet × 10:3
Green Armor:1
Things to look out for:
  • Careful! This “hub” is octogonal!
  • You can see most of the map from the hub
  • You can fight that conveyor belt, or you can switch it in reverse
  • A big ol’ spiral staircase. And you thought they were banned.
  • Pseudorandom teleporter
  • Both non-exit switches do do stuff

Level 15: Cube 7/19/2001 to 7/27/2001 by Jerry P.
New Graphics:Arrow switches
New Music:
Known Bugs:None
[Map of Cube]

Fragrate: 1.30 frags/minute

This level is Legacy-specific.


Deathmatch Starts:12
Chainsaw:1 Backpack × 2:1
Shotgun:2 Shells12
Super Shotgun:2 Box of Shells:1
Chaingun:2 Ammo Clip12
Box of Bullets:1
Rocket Launcher:1 Rocket:6
Box of Rockets:0
Plasma Gun:0 Energy Cell:0
BFG 9000:0 Energy Pack:0
Stim Pack:3
Health Potion × 20:1
Medical Kit:1
Soul Sphere:1
Armor Helmet:7
Armor Helmet × 20:2

First added 8/2/1999
Last updated 8/21/2001