Ultima Online is one of the most exciting advancements in world-wide communication, computer gaming, role playing and computer interaction! Ultima Online connects your computer to a graphical world populated by thousands of other REAL players from everywhere on Earth discovering a huge medieval online world together.  If there was ever a computer game worth playing, Ultima Online is IT! Build a castle or house, sail the seas and discover your own island, explore new continents, forge great friendships, go fishing, open a clothing store or a weapons shop, explore dark deep dungeons, dig up buried treasure chests, train a pet dragon, discover wealth and treasure beyond your wildest dreams!  Some people even actually make a real life living playing this game selling in-game items and gold on ebay for hundreds of dollars a week!

Just check out these two current auctions for Ultima Online:

$1000.00 Ultima Online Account Auction

$800.00 Ultima Online Account Auction

Find out more about Ultima Online at the UO Visitor's Center.

Brand New, factory sealed, retail boxed, Limited Edition Ultima Online! As you can see this Limited Edition version includes the limited original RUNIC LETTERED CLOTH MAP and SOLID PEWTER COLLECTORS PIN. These are extremely rare now. These are real Ultima Online rares!  Not digital in-game items.  This is one of the last remaining unopened and unused original Limited Edition Ultima Online (UO) accounts. The UO software will automatically download and update itself the first time you log on.  This awesome CD game comes with 30 days of free play and internet access.

Why pay hundreds of dollars to play with someone else's account and characters; that ruins the fun, start your own! Or, if you already have an account this would make a great gift for a friend to get started.  Or best yet, put this on your shelf and collect and save a piece of online gaming history.

Also, if you win this auction, registering Ultima Online Limited Edition qualifies you to get Ultima Online: The Second Age expansion lands and Ultima Online: Renaissance both for FREE which includes the shipping! After You win this auction and register Ultima Online, you can order The Second Age expansion and Renaissance expansion for free by calling (888) 842-6388 (inside the continental U.S.) or (512) 434-4358 (outside the continental U.S.) Press option #1 from main menu. Request your free expansions.

Ultima Online Limited Edition package includes a finely crafted runic lettered cloth map of the lands of Britannia. Drawn to precision, the map shows the locations of major cities, dungeons and shrines, topography, traveler's routes, and relative distance.

Included is a limited edition, solid pewter Ultima Online lapel pin.  These are not available anywhere else.

GameSpot Review:

Ultima Online is the most complex fantasy role-playing game to date, with thousands of players simultaneously online in a persistent, dynamic gaming world.

Ultima Online creates an environment in which you can develop various characters who are largely free to live out a virtual life within a "realistic fantasy gaming world."

First Impressions: After paying off a buddy to get his reserved copy (what are friends for?) I went down and picked up Ultima Online for $103.00 Canadian after tax, the most I have ever spent on a game. Endangering the lives of countless civilians, I sped home in my car trying to limit the drool to the ashtray and other wipeable surfaces. From the car, I ran past some woman standing in the kitchen (I realized later it was my girlfriend) and installed all 450 MB onto my PC. The opening animation is without contest, probably the best I have ever seen. The detail, atmosphere, and narrator all come together to make a jaw-hanging first impression. Woohoo!

My first impression online was 'Wow, look at all these people, there are hundreds of them!

Overall, this is the best most rewarding game I have ever played. Ultima Online is a virtual world. The other people in this game are REAL people, thousands of them, from all around the world playing along with you. You progressively develop your character and everything you do is saved. This gives you a sense of accomplishment as you develop your characters and expand your estate and there is always room to grow. When you shut off your computer and go to bed, your character still lives online waiting for the next day that you will lead him or her on adventure.

There are thousands of websites dedicated to Ultima Online.  One of the most comprehensive websites is STRATICS

Ultima Online is one of the most influential - and recognized - PC games of all time.

Best of E3 (Best Online Only Game) Gamepen
Editor's Choice (10/10 review) EnterMedia
Best of the Best (Best Online Only Game) VideoGame Advisor
Cnet Editor's Choice (9/10 review) Cnet Gamecenter
Technical Excellence Finalist PC Magazine
Game of the Month PC Games
Best of 97 - Online-Only Game Online Game Review
Best of 97 - Reader's Choice for Best Online-Only Game Online Game Review
Roleplaying Game of the Year Blank Gaming Newsletter
Online Game of the Year of 97 Cnet Gamecenter
Best Online Game of 97 Game.exe (Russia)
Gaming Oscar for Special Accomplishment ACE (PC Gamer Chinese Edition)
New Style Editor's Choice SGM (Taiwan)
Internet Excellence Award (Best Online Game) Cnet Gamecenter
Best Online Game of 97 (finalist) Computer Games Strategy Plus
Online Game of the Year MCR Online
Online RPG Game of the Year - 1997 Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences
Special Recognition Award Computer Entertainment Software Academy (Japan)
Best Online-Only Game in Class of 98 Cnet Gamcenter
Best PC RPG Game Game Revolution
Online RPG Game of the Year - 1998 Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences

More than 200 million hours played in over 114 countries on 4 continents!

"Ultima Online offers one of the strongest, most immersive societies imaginable." -CNET

Email me: walter_sharpe