
Hi there! Well, it would seem that my computer is broken down or something...I have no idea what's wrong with it but oh well. So I won't be able to do much updating on this page for the next long time or so. I'm not sure. Anyway, thanks for stopping by. I hope you find all to your liking. And feel free to e-mail me...I need to know what I'm doing right or wrong or know if I'm being helpful or not! :) Any input would be nice. Even if you want to insult me I don't care. Just make it critical, K? Thanks! Oh...also...so any e-mail that HAS been sent I have not seen because I can't read that mail. Oh yah I should change that right now. There we go. Anyway, enough of me jabbering...enjoy and SMILE!! :)

Final Fantasy VII Pictures Pictures - Some Final Fantasy pictures
Enemy Skills Enemy Skills - All the skills you can learn from bad guys
FF7 Desktop Themes Desktop Themes - Some of my very own homemade Final Fantasy themes
FF7 Defeating the American Weapons Defeating the American Weapons - A slightly different approach to defeating the Weapons
Some helpful hints Tips and Secrets - Some helpful hints for playing Final Fantasy VII
All da weapons Weapons - All the weapons for all the charecters

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