What is this page?
It is my T.S.T logs..
What else is it?
Who knows?
It might be uncontrolled insanity.
Yahoo!!! If you don't know what this is, kick yourself HARD!!!
The Durak's Homepage-Cool midis. Not much else.
Mplayer.com-There's a lot of fun to be found on this site.
won.net-Do you know Jack? You don't know Jack the net show is right here.
Netaddress.com-This is a better e-mail server than Hotmail.
These are my T.S.T. logs.
Minico High School. This is where I go to school. We're the Spartans from Rupert, Idaho.
Mail me. I dare you.
Quake- The first no holds barred gib fest from ID Software in 3-D. In my opinion, Quake was not quite as good as Doom II. The end boss was challenging for the first five seconds I saw it. I have a Simpsons/Doom II mod that is quite funny.After all, how many times did the Doom guy scream, "What the hell is wrong with you?" like Homer Simpson?
Quake II- Doom IV in essence, this second Quake was much better than the first. It reintroduced the B.F.G in a better, more powerful form. I liked the reintroduction of the Doom idea of the Space Marine.
Quake III. Doom and Quake II on steroids. If you want to frag people a lot amd have your cake too, this is the game for you.
Starfleet Command- Command Starfleer's best and brightest in this game. It's a great game for Star Trek fans.
The best game ever! For the first time, you could kill your friends amd not feel guilty, while having fun doing it. I first saw Doom a few years ago, and I'm still hooked. This is a link leading to the best wad I have ever seen, called 'Bitchin '97'. It is easily the most challenging set of levels I've seen. If you want to talk about demented, here it is.