Alright Lee, where are you? Obviously, I haven't updated in a very long time. Hey, I can't devote my entire life to SCURK? Actually, I would if I could, but we all have our outside responsibilities to consider, so I can't. Losing alot of work on my harddrive when the home computer died didn't help matters either. Word of advice: save early, save often, and save all the time! Make copies everywhere, on disks and online. Do not trust your computers, for they are in truth sadistic monster machines secretly controlling the planet and deceiving us perpetually befuddled humans through an elaborate virtual reality matrix. Bogus, huh?
The real problem was most of us SCURK artists have been patiently storing up our creative energies in preparation for SimCity 3000's long anticipated Building Architect Tool. Anyone who has been following the story with BAT knows how questionable it's playing out, so I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it to come out anytime soon. Therefore, I guess all of us have nothing left to do but go back to SCURK, which many of us are picking up again with the First SCURK Art Composition. And you all thought the big image meant I had lotsa new SCURKs! You'll just have to wait until the first of May.
Trying to e-mail me? I haven't really answered much mail recently (I'm horrible). However, to answer a common question: feel free to post my SCURK sets on your own sites. However, take good care to mention where they came from. Also, I'm trying my best to post TIL files. I haven't sat down and worked out how to make MIF files yet, so I don't yet have any of those. I know next to nothing about the Macintosh versions of SCURK...sorry.
Aside from that, there hasn't been much going on here. Several new Art and Architecture sites have been added to the Links page. Older links were updated. A new color is being tried out, but I need to play with some final color-matching. Exciting, huh? The tired-old counter is gone for never did show the correct amount anyway (just how did it gain a million visitors in one week?). I really need to do a heavy-duty overhaul to make things more efficient. Sounds like another dream project for the summer.